Ever wondered what yoga does apart from making you touch your toes? Besides spiritual learning, modern science has also accepted the magical health benefits of yoga...
When I was a kid, it seemed like I felt pain more than anyone else around me. Not just physical pain, but emotional pain. I cried...
We all have a God-given destiny to fulfill that we were each born with. I personally believe it is buried deep down within us. The number...
It’s pretty annoying isn’t it? All those great and accomplished people telling you that FAILURE is a necessity on your way to success. Yeah, that’s easy...
Has this ever happened to you? You had an assignment, and the deadline was far away. You didn’t work on it much, but in the back...
Although a vast majority of people think that creativity is something you are born with, the truth is a bit different. While we cannot deny that...
Some people will achieve great things. Others won’t. But why is that? We’re all just “talking monkeys on an organic spaceship flying through the universe,” as...
A few years back, I was reminded of the fragility and unpredictability of life. I was 32, going through stressful transitions; moved countries, changed careers, and...
The most important purpose of fear, which is to help us stay safe, has served humankind faithfully ever since the first people roamed the Earth. It...
The majority of people write every single day without even noticing. Are you one of them? Do you chat with your loved ones using your smartphone...
You’ve been busy all your life. Every day, you show up to work in haste with a big to-do list in your hand. You want to...
There are a million publications out there on how to raise kids successfully. The truth is, there is no one way that works. But there are...
In August of 2018, I was sitting on the couch and complaining to my wife. The Oregon fires had caused a summer of smoke which meant...
I have read Dr. Peale’s book “Enthusiasm Make The Difference.” As a matter of fact, I have read a few of his books. All of them...
Many people think they know the vision for their life, but they confuse it with objectives like wanting to make a certain amount of money or...
Are you going through a bad patch in your life where you’re not experiencing the kind of results that you desire to experience? Are you feeling...
At the time this article is coming out, I am currently navigating what has been a very tumultuous year for me. This has been a year...
Changing your mindset for the better can be deep work, taking hours of time journaling, meditating, and doing all of the other self-care things that can...
In the world today, the only thing that we are sure of is that it will change. But by the words of Jeff Bezos, we need...
Did you ever find it difficult to identify your strengths in life? Many people identify their strengths and weaknesses during the early stages of their lives...
Visualizations work to influence change on an unconscious level regardless of the medium such as a vision board or series of images you see in your...
If you’re someone who has been practicing yoga for a while now, you are well-aware of the reward this ancient practice bestows. Yoga influences and transforms...
I have been a high school teacher for 21 years. I have taught math, social studies, reading, physical education, and more. A few years back, I...
We’ve all heard it a thousand times, if you want to be happy in life, follow your passion. Let’s look closer at this advice. The word...
Do you ever start to say something you know you shouldn’t, but cannot help to say it anyway? How about a specific relationship breaking down again,...
Why are so many working professionals struggling to find the time to work on their own personal goals? Sure, we have obligations to meet the mandatory...
Self-sabotage. It’s the timeless tale of potential gone wrong and opportunities missed. It’s the hidden enemy that launches an attack when we least expect it. And...
We’ve all heard it before, confidence is everything. Those that seem to have it, have it all. They, themselves, are not necessarily perfect human beings, but...
Relationships are challenging. They make you examine yourself from all angles, and that can be triggering. For example, have you ever had a friend or significant...
You just invested in yourself and in your business. You are taking massive action but the results are just not clicking yet. While everyone is making...