3 Keys to Getting the Results You Want in Life

Are you going through a bad patch in your life where you’re not experiencing the kind of results that you desire to experience? Are you feeling stuck in your business and career? The truth is, you are not alone, we all go through the storms of life. The good news is that there is a sure way of getting out of the rut you find yourself in and getting the results you know you are supposed to be getting.
I formulated these 3 keys while I was going through almost a whole year of no income, my businesses were stuck and so was I. It was a hopeless and dry season of my life that I will never forget. In that time, I read over 20 personal development books and attended seminars and webinars because I was hungry for a solution that would help me get unstuck in my business and life.
Now, I run two successful companies, authored 4 books and counting, and I travel and speak all over the world. And, whenever I speak to organizations on “how to break plateaus” the audience gets it and they get to have the solution to getting unstuck and achieving great results.
Here are the 3 keys to getting the results you want in life:
1. A Clear Vision is The Big Picture
The iconic Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo DaVinci is a masterpiece which took him several years to finish. He had a clear vision of what he wanted his painting to look like, long before he painted it and long before it was ever the Mona Lisa.
Likewise, you also need to have a clear vision of what you want to experience in your life. Doing this will allow you to see the bigger picture of your life and it will help you to weather the storms of life, which will come, because your hope is safely anchored onto your bigger picture.
Here are some of the Golden rules to creating a clear vision:
- Your vision must be clearly defined
- Your vision must be centered around serving others
- Your vision must be written down
- Your vision must be recited everyday
“If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed, the vision pulls you.” – Steve Jobs
2. Goals Are Your Roadmap
There has been a big misconception about what goals are. In fact, a lot of people have used the words “goal” and “vision” interchangeably, so let us clear this up. A goal, in its simplest form, is a means of direction. It is hardly effective when it is standing on its own. Imagine that I invite you to my beautiful home for my 31st birthday party and when you ask me for directions, I simply say “I live in Los Angeles, and my gate is big and black”.
I bet you would think I’m crazy right? Los Angeles is huge. What would be more beneficial is if I had given you my street name and house number at least. Likewise, you need to understand that the goals you are setting are meant to direct you to your end destination (your vision). If your goals are not attached to a bigger picture, then you are simply moving around everywhere and going nowhere.
Here are some golden rules to setting goals:
- Your goals must be daily, weekly and monthly objectives
- Your goals must be written down
- Your goals must, when achieved, bring you closer to your bigger picture
- Your goals must be recited everyday
“Goals. There’s no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them.” – Jim Rohn
3. Massive Actions Precede Massive Results
This sounds very cliche but it is a fundamental truth that we sometimes fail to grasp. If we will not do what we ought to do, then we will not experience the results that we desire to experience. The quality of the results we wish to experience is predicated on us taking massive amounts of action in order to have that quality of results. Got it?
Imagine for a moment that you desire to have indestructible abs, so you search for abdominal exercises that will give you the abs you desire. You find one particular exercise that says all you need to do is 50 reps of crunches and 50 reps of sit-ups everyday for the next 3 months. But, instead of doing 50 reps, you do 10 of each and you do it for 10 days straight before you quit.
Do you think that your actions are “indestructible abs” worthy? I don’t think so. I think you would be lucky to get a 1 pack. Likewise, your actions have to be consistent and massive in order for you to achieve the kind of results you desire. There is no substitute for massive and consistent amounts of action.
To get the kind of results you desire to have in your life, you will have to create a clear vision for yourself, set goals which will direct you to your vision and take consistent and massive amounts of action everyday in order to have great results. The rest will be history.
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