3 Tips To Supercharge Your Visualizations

Visualizations work to influence change on an unconscious level regardless of the medium such as a vision board or series of images you see in your mind. Our unconscious mind is the part of the brain that is responsible for our decisions and actions (we back these decisions up with logic and reason).
Within the unconscious mind is our filtering system – the Reticular Activating System (RAS) – which determines what opportunities we become aware of consciously and what stays in the recesses of the unconscious mind. Think of the RAS like the world’s most advanced GPS system. Whatever we program into the RAS, the unconscious mind will set out to find the fastest and easiest route for us.
The RAS works based on pictures, not words. So when we communicate, the words we say and statements or phrases that we use are turned into a picture in our minds. Right now, for example, you likely have a picture of a picture in your unconscious mind. It’s these pictures that the RAS then begins taking action towards finding or creating.
That is why vision boards and visualization are such powerful tools to manifest one’s goals – we are repeatedly putting the exact picture of what we want into the RAS. However, not all visualizations or vision boards are created equal!
Here are the 3 secrets to having a greater influence over your unconscious mind and finding more success with your visualizations:
1. Look Up
During normal waking consciousness, our brain waves are in the beta state. This means that the brain waves are operating between 12.5 and 30 Hz, and the waves come quickly with little space in between them.
During meditation techniques, our brain goes into alpha brain waves, operating between 8-12 Hz. In the alpha brain wave state, the waves are slower with more space in between them and our unconscious minds are also more suggestible.
We can put the brain into an alpha brain wave state simply by looking up at a 70 degree angle. To do this, stand in front of a wall, about arms-length back from the wall. Run your index finger straight up the wall and stop when the tip of the finger is barely touching the wall. This is approximately 70 degrees from eye level. If you use a vision board, put your vision board up at this height.
If you’d prefer to close your eyes and visualize your future, look up towards the third eye region (the spot between your eyebrows) to move yourself into alpha brain wave state. Doing this will cause your unconscious mind to become more suggestible to the images on your vision board or in your visualization so it will seek out to find those things.
“Whatever we think about, and thank about, we bring about.” – Dr. John Demartini
2. Time It Right
Between the unconscious mind and the conscious mind is a gatekeeper of sorts. You see, our unconscious mind is highly suggestible and doesn’t have the capability to be discerning of what information coming in is “good” and which information is “bad”. The conscious mind (the logical brain) then quickly shuts the gatekeeper to stop the unconscious mind from receiving information when it feels we are under attack or that someone is untrustworthy.
For visualizations to work effectively, we need to influence the unconscious mind. There are two times each day when our unconscious mind is most susceptible to suggestion (because the conscious mind is less likely to shut the gatekeeper). These times are the first 20 minutes after we first wake up, and the last 20 minutes before we fall asleep. During these times of day, melatonin levels in the brain are still high.
Melatonin is the hormone responsible for our sleep/wake cycles, and in higher concentrations reduces the effectiveness of the conscious mind to shut the gatekeeper. This leaves the unconscious mind open to our suggestions from the visualization or vision board without critique of what is “possible” or “realistic” from the conscious mind.
3. Get into the emotion
Let’s face it – emotions drive us. Our energetic vibration is determined by the emotions we experience most often. This in turn determines the quality of the things and people we attract into our world.
If we are constantly stressed out, negative, angry, or engaged in drama, our energetic vibration drops and we attract more of those things to us. And vice versa, if we are happy, fulfilled and grateful, our vibration rises and we can accelerate our growth and manifestation abilities.
It’s important then to understand the emotions you’ll experience when you achieve your goals. Then, during your daily visualization, focus on feeling those emotions in your body to raise your energetic vibration.
I also recommend finding other activities that’ll allow you to experience those emotions, and commit to engaging in those activities on a daily or weekly basis. For example, if presenting to a crowd of 10,000 people will cause me to feel excited, inspired and grateful then I need to prioritize and schedule activities such as listening to music that pumps me up, speaking to smaller crowds and travelling on a regular basis to experience more excitement, inspiration and gratitude in my present life.
“Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.” – Jack Canfield
Implement these changes into your visualization process and you’ll see results not only in your goal achieving success, but also your mindset, the amount of opportunities you see and how you show up to obtain those opportunities!
Do you use the power of visualization in your life? If so, share your thoughts about it below!
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