It was a casual Friday afternoon, and I was getting ready to hit the juice bar and then go home for a relaxing night. I got...
Every single individual walking this earth is alive. But that doesn’t mean that you’re actually “living.” Living, in this context, refers to taking control of your...
We all get busy in life with work, children, partner, family, boss, friends and so much more. It can be difficult to juggle everything, and usually...
We want rewards. Whatever work we intend to do, we look forward to it selfishly. What’s in store for us? Doing so isn’t completely wrong. But...
Emails are piling up, you’re behind on your bookkeeping, and your messy desk isn’t going to clean itself. You keep telling yourself that you’ll handle these...
Last week was a tragic day for people that live in Melbourne, Australia. Lives were lost, and families were torn apart. We were reminded of just...
If you ever wished you could peer inside the mind of one of the most intriguing icons in the world and find out exactly what makes...
In today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to get overwhelmed by all the noise around you. When it seems like your to-do list keeps getting longer...
Too many people are living in circumstances that they are not happy with. They do not know that they can actually have the life they want....
It’s 5am and your alarm is ringing. Over a period of three hours, you’ve reset it 8 times. It’s 9am and you are waking up, already...
I used to worry incessantly about how the future would turn out. Then, it finally dawned on me that all this worrying was doing nothing to...
It is a fact that success is achieved with a lot of hard work, struggle and persistence. However, one important factor that is usually ignored is...
Superheroes have been around for generations, but with the meteoric rise of big-budget movies, they’re more popular than ever before. Folks see ads for their films...
As human beings, we often view “stress” as a dirty word. We try to avoid it at all costs. But sometimes a little bit of healthy...
Being tied to failure, inability, inefficiency, or underachievement can be crippling. While most underachievement’s are situational, it is very easy to take it personal and interpret...
Most people start the day feeling behind on their tasks for the day. They jump out of bed when the whole household wakes up or because...
Just because we want something bad enough doesn’t mean we will always get it. No matter how much self-talk or hoping you do. Life is all...
Do you want to become more popular and improve your relationship with people in your social or business circle? You can build your self-confidence by making...
We live in a society of sheep. People are sensitive to everything. A world where people need safe spaces because their feelings got hurt. If we...
Your thoughts are on the front line when it comes to your life. They are the foundation for everything. At the most fundamental level, a positive...
Happiness is a beautiful thing, but I guess you already found out, that everything worth having comes with some level of struggle and sacrifice. I bet...
So lately, you’ve been spending your 9 to 5 most likely in an office chair, receiving orders like an errand boy from your boss and co-workers...
Humans have an inability to change; this is an argument that has been discussed for centuries and it is largely because of our tendency to be...
The decisions you make, and don’t make, make you. Think about it. Did you make the call or make the excuse? Stay or leave? Stand up...
For most people, negative emotions feel like a scary monster under the bed. You try to ignore the monster by hiding your face under the covers,...
A vision is built deep down in the heart to form a bridge between your present reality and your future self. Therefore it is so important...
With the current state of our society, the violence, the hate being promoted and the unrest of the world and it’s relationships with one another, one...
As an individual in his mid-twenties, it saddens me to look around and see the majority of people, especially my generation of eighteen through thirty-five, let...
Wow, this is hard! Did I really sign up for this? I am about to throw in the towel! Are these the questions keeping you up...
I figured out recently that I’m nothing more than a hopeless romantic. When you’re single, you learn things about yourself that you’d forgotten. This is one...