Have you ever been stuck and not know what to do in life? Are you staying up late trying to run the scenarios through your head?...
Growing up, I was always told to love my family and friends and how important this was because of how short life was. I did this...
When it comes to creating success, many fall into the trap of not seeing people. Qualities such as kindness, humor or physical appearance are often the...
I’ve seen many people screw up their life over the years. Most of it has been the result of poor decisions and a lack of discipline....
Imagine if you could always be happy. Imagine knowing no matter what happens—no matter how bad life gets, no matter how much pain and stress you...
At times, everybody experiences some kind of despair. There are times when it feels as if the whole weight of the world is on your shoulders...
Education is commonly equated to an experience for children and young adults, but the reality is that lifelong learning can benefit you in many ways. The...
I only want to be happy with you. I want you to find love and not be single for the rest of your life because you’ve...
It’s 5:30 in the morning, your alarm rings. Do you feel like waking up? Heck no! The pillow is your best friend and at this moment,...
Who are you? Not your name or your business or even what your ethics are, but who are you in the sense of what people see...
Most people live their lives in regret. If you have ever had the misfortune of experiencing regret, it is not a nice thing to experience. You...
The road of personal development will ask you to look at what you really believe about yourself. Life is continually asking us if we believe we...
In life, we attach less weight to the spiritual aspect than we do to other domains. We believe that we create our luck whereas there are...
We live in a world full of all kinds of different people, and learning how to interact with them successfully is a foundational life skill. When...
When you look in the mirror what do you see? More specifically, who do you see? Who is the person looking back in the mirror? Are...
Superman might leap tall buildings in a single bound, but even he can’t ward off its paralyzing effects. Is there something in your life you consider...
Everyone wants to be happy, just ask Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar, he’s an expert on the subject. Tal created the most popular courses in Harvard University’s history:...
Much of your life happens without you noticing it. All these things we don’t pay attention to like the things going through your head or coming...
Last Thursday I lost an uncle. Today I found out that my aunt, who played a large part in raising me, is in the hospital with...
We’ve all seen ‘The Secret’. We are all familiar with the Law of Attraction. And we are all familiar with the method presented for manifesting our...
1. The truth is not elegant Ever wonder why I swear, use the word “loser,” and am blunt or direct? It’s because the truth is not...
There is something interesting that happens inside your brain when you ask yourself a question: your brain has to answer. Try it now, ask yourself “what...
Do you constantly feel like a bunch of pirates are going to loot you? Even when you’re simply driving down the freeway in your car? Do...
It was Elbert Hubbard, the American artist and philosopher, who said, “Life is just one damn thing after another”. Inevitably, we are always going to have...
Everywhere I go these days I hear so many discussions on greatness. We all have dreams and visions of grandeur. In fact, I have not met...
As with all manifestations, if you’re looking to create powerful money manifestations, you have to start with the basics: clarity. You need to be clear on...
Yesterday I went to the beach. I was present for the entire day. I didn’t look at my phone and I focused on enjoying nature. I...
As college tuition fees increase, so does the number of working students. Most of us worked our way through college for financial reasons, and a lot...
Highly conscious individuals don’t give up when faced with a challenge, they often won’t even veer from their path for long when facing what others might...
Relationships are challenging. It’s frustrating and disheartening when a relationship is operating below its potential. It can take the wind out of your sails and affect the...