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7 Things Sabotaging Us On A Daily Basis and What We Can Do About Them




Much of your life happens without you noticing it. All these things we don’t pay attention to like the things going through your head or coming out of your mouth can undermine you each day.

To better your life and live the life you want, become more aware of these 7 things which can ruin your life. The more aware you are of these things, the more you can consciously shift and mold them to work for you.

Here are 7 things that can sabotage your day but that you can change in your favor:

1. Your thoughts

Just because you think a thought doesn’t mean that thought is true! Thoughts pop into our minds all the time to scare us, make us doubt and criticize ourselves, and present us with the worst-case scenario…but remember, your thoughts don’t have to be true.

Instead of accepting every thought as truth, start examining your thoughts. Start watching them. Create a mindfulness practice so you can observe the thoughts and watch them instead of letting them drag you through the mud.

2. Your words

You don’t realize the power of your words or your intentions behind them. You often use disempowering words without realizing how your words are stopping you from living your full potential.

Words and phrases such as “no,” “I don’t know,” “maybe,” “should,” “can’t,” “not really” and so many other weak words are stopping you from living your best life. Take note of your words. Go through your emails and texts and pick up on the disempowering words you frequently use.

Notice your repertoire of words and commit to using the disempowering ones less.

“Stay positive, all other choices are pointless punishments to your psyche.” – Joe Peterson

3. Your limitations

Your beliefs about what can happen and what’s possible are entirely within your control. Yet, our society, culture and families have tried to get us to conform to playing small and not showing up fully as we are. Society reminds you of the risks of – and the boundaries that prevent you from – being fully you.

Whenever you come up with ideas and face limitations, challenge them. Where is this limiting belief coming from? What if you didn’t believe it?

What has been possible for others? What is the opposite of the self-imposed limitation? Feel, become aware and challenge your limitations in all forms.

4. Your stories

You have strong stories about every aspect of your life, from career and relationships to your preferences in pasta and wine. Every decision and choice stems from a set of experiences you’ve had.

Your stories are important because they are your past but they can be crippling when you allow your stories to take control of your life. When you believe that one incident, one rejection and one failure will repeat itself again, you prevent yourself from living life to the fullest.

Recognize your stories when you are about to take major life decisions or even small ones. What are the emotions that come up? What story is behind that emotional reaction you’re having? What is a new story you can tell based on those experiences?

5. Your expectations

Experiences will doom you if you attach yourself to a certain outcome or expect people to behave in a certain way. The price of expectation is constant disappointment and feelings that other people have let you down. You can’t control circumstances and people will usually not do what you want them to do.

You can live with hope for a certain result but not attach yourself to that result. Want it but don’t depend on it. Opt for surrender instead of expectation; whatever comes will come and will be in the highest good.

6. Your perspective

Your perspective is similar to wearing a pair of sunglasses. How you see the world depends on the color of shades you’re donning; blue, black, grey, or maroon. If you see the world as a sad place, you’ll view circumstances sadly. If you see it as a cruel place, you’ll continue to find cruelty.

If you see it from a place of hopelessness, you can imagine how you’ll interpret the events that arise in your life.

Notice the perspective you default to. Now have a couple alternative perspectives ready to go. Choose the “joy” perspective or the “resilience” perspective. By changing your lenses on life, you’ll change the circumstances in your life.

“You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.” – Stephen King

7. Your vision

Your vision often conforms to what’s happening right now. Your day-to-day life limits it. You can’t see beyond it because you believe what’s in front of you is the most important thing. Your day-to-day problems bury your vision for your life.

Go beyond today. Go beyond the mundane and the day to day. Stay true to your highest purpose, what’s possible and what you want for your life.

Practice visualization and seeing the kind of life you want for yourself. Daydream freely. Journal the life you want. Live for today but envision the life you want tomorrow.

How do you overcome all the negativity in life to succeed? Let us know by commenting below!

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