If you’re anything like me, you have a busy life and an overwhelmed and forgetful mind. Between managing work, sports and/or hobbies, maybe you’re still in...
Life is filled with ups and downs. And if you are on a journey to achieving the success that you want, there is no doubt you...
Have you regretted any of the decisions that you’ve made? I’ll take a wild guess here and say “yes.” We all have walked in Remorse-land many...
Life can become quite boring, if you let it. All of your life, you’ve been doing things the same way. A routine has been established and...
You follow successful people online. You feel inspired to see their growth, achievements, and accomplishments. But sometimes, you may feel intimidated when you look into your...
We all have those nights when we are suddenly wide awake and thinking about a problem or something we fear may happen. Fear is the ringleader...
The oxford dictionary defines “listen” as “giving one’s attention to a sound.” While this definition captures an essential part of the definition, it oversimplifies the listening...
Look at your dog, he or she is the cutest animal ever, always happy, that plays with his squeaky toys, and cries when you come back...
Instead of complaining about the ebb and flow of tough times, we need to learn how to overcome them. We often let bad news cast a...
It’s been said that only two things are certain in life: death and taxes. I’d like to add another one to the list: rejection. No matter...
There’s never been a time like right now in human history for entrepreneurship. We have access to virtually limitless knowledge thanks to the advent of the...
Whether you’re a career salesman, a student, or a software engineer, you can’t move an inch in your career if you produce less. Productivity is the...
Have you been feeling low lately? Are you missing being the person you once used to be? In this fast-paced life of ours, it is not...
All feedback is good, but not all feedback is positive. We’re often subject to negative feedback at work for different scenarios such as missing a performance...
Do you want to know the biggest thing standing between you and success? It’s your big fat ego. It’s the focus you put on yourself, both...
For many professionals, a key aspect of a successful career lies in giving back to a community that once helped them to grow as people. Whether...
Reading over 70 business and self-help books, traveling all around Europe teaching people soft skills like storytelling and self-awareness, has shown me certain patterns on how...
I lost it. I was at the cemetery yet again —reading the legacies of those who have left this experience. As I wandered around on a...
Sometimes, life isn’t just unfair – it’s downright cruel. It punishes those who deserve reward, praises those who deserve reprimanding, and at worst – takes the...
Most of the habits, routines, and rituals we practice as adults were learned at an early age. Some of these behaviors serve us well while others...
Let’s face it, there are only 24 hours in a day and we all have the same 24 hours. How we spend those 24 hours will...
SMART Goals – they are often seen as the gospel in the personal and professional development industry for goal setting, but are they doing more harm...
What’s holding you back? This is the question that I asked myself after repeatedly falling short of my goals. In my mind, I had these crazy...
Although, a comfort zone can be defined as a state of mind in which people are at ease, in control of their environment and experiencing low...
Confident people seem to have it all. They are admired by others and generally do well at everything they try. Self-confidence plays an important role in...
Remember the last time an infant gazed innocently into your eyes and smiled? Those wide, uncritical eyes have the power to elicit a bliss that eludes...
Here’s something we all know about failing, it’s a process with an ending that we all want to avoid. Failure, contrary to popular belief, isn’t just...
It’s not uncommon to see individuals in all walks of life claiming to be perfectionism lovers. Such people are more humble braggers who try to convince...
Do these phrases sound familiar? I don’t have time. I’m too busy. Sorry, I’m slammed. I wish I could, but I really can’t. You’ve probably said...
We all have passions, visions, and tons of ambitions we want to pursue. As a young millennial with high hopes, you want to become your own...