Admit it? You’ve wondered if you should take the plunge. You detest working for an unappreciative company every day, you’re un-challenged, and you have no chance...
It’s late January and statistics have it that only 8% of people will stick with their New Years resolutions after 30 days. With most already having quit. Maybe...
In my experience of coaching and counselling, I have found that the number one limiting belief that people hold is that they are not in control...
A successful lawyer who achieved everything most people could ever wish for, suffered a wicked heart attack in the middle of a packed courtroom. From the...
The road to achieving our dreams can be scary. In fact, the fear in our minds can hold us back from so much that we don’t...
Here is an amazing lecture given by British Philosopher, Writer and Speaker “Alan Watts“. Who are you really? This is a great speech that reflects on...
As host of The Big Life I host weekly private training sessions with the biggest personal growth experts on the planet – including Bob Proctor, Dr...
Ask a dozen individuals what the key to happiness in life is and you will most likely get a dozen different reasons that this is attributed...
It’s pretty much a given that being in the right crowd can make or break your life, as in the amount of happiness you feel, the...
con·gru·ence kənˈɡro͞oəns,ˈkäNGɡro͞oəns/ noun “An alignment in your thoughts, words and actions.” Is how you do one thing, how you do everything? The biggest differentiator I have...
Author of The Quarter-Life Breakthrough and Entrepreneur coach Adam ‘Smiley’ Poswolsky shares his advice for young millennials with Joel Brown from Addicted2Success, on how you can...
If you’re an ambitious and driven person, chances are you’ve heard the word intention thrown about: Set your intentions…Be mindful of your intentions…Create powerful intentions… But the term...
Rejection. Losing. Failure. Nobody strives for them. No athlete sets out for last place, no entrepreneur’s goal is bankruptcy. But as if an act of divine...
If you don’t control your mind, you will never control your life. It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, everything that gets inside your...
There is a direct link between spirituality and health. According to medical studies spiritual people have less chance of getting addicted to smoking, drugs, alcohol or...
Being confident takes effort. It is a state of mind that fluctuates as we react to our circumstances, mood, physical health, and a whole host of...
Have you felt a little stuck in a rut? Sometimes, we tend to get so caught up in the mundane parts of life that we forget...
I’ve never been a fan of post-secondary formal education. Not because of the skyrocketing tuition prices or the fact that most college students enter school without...
There are so many lies that society ingrained inside of you, that you adopted as you own. From your parents to your teachers, these lies snuck...
Regret is something everyone experiences at one point or another. It would be impossible to go through life without experiencing any regret at all. But sometimes,...
I’ve been there through it all. Anyone who knows me in the slightest knows that I’m a die-hard heat fan. Besides perhaps Blue’s Clues or Dexter’s...
The guys at were refunded a lot of money by a charity after they fundraised a huge amount of cash for them. Jhaj & Kong...
People living in the 21st century are lucky. We have all the conveniences brought to us by technology. We can communicate with anyone in the world...
I discovered a great comic art this morning that was created by an art student called Moga. This artistic strip shares valuable advice on the importance...
Motivational Coach and Best Selling Author “Brendon Burchard” shares his advice on how to discover those hints that life is throwing our way so that we...
When a computerized chess player evaluates a board, it sees all possible moves. When a chess grandmaster looks at the same board, he sees only the...
Wish there was a guide for motivation that told you what to do and when? There is, and it’s called the Cycle Of Change. Originally designed...
This amazing speech by Alan Watts explains the importance of individuality. This clip is called “Playing The Game of Life“, where Alan exposes the protocol that society...
I admit it. I’m a self-help geek. I’ve done everything from the usual (books, seminars, coaching) to the extreme (ziplining, fire eating, board breaking) in the...
What would you do with an extra hour in your day to invest in creating your ideal life? How about that project you just can’t seem...