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The 10 Essential Habits of Highly Productive People



productivity tips
Image Credit | Joel Brown

People living in the 21st century are lucky. We have all the conveniences brought to us by technology. We can communicate with anyone in the world in a matter of microseconds, we can look up any sort of information that we want with just a click of a button, and we can even work without going to a physical office!

Despite these modern advantages, most of us still suffer from a lack of productivity. The irony here is that we have all these high tech work tools at our fingertips yet we still manage to find ways on how to avoid doing work.

So, do productive people (who get a lot of work done in a day and still have time for hobbies and other enjoyable activities) have a secret that they won’t share with the productivity-challenged?

Well, these people do not really have productivity “secrets,” per se:

They have habits!

Here are some of the common established habits that productive people have:


The 10 Productivity Habits


1. Productive people can differentiate “fake” productivity from “real” productivity

Sometimes, we put off doing real work in favor of other non-essential tasks. These tasks might somehow resemble “real” work, and thus give us a false sense of productivity. For example, in lieu of doing important tasks, people might attend useless meetings, sort out emails, and chat with coworkers.

Productive people know that these things do not really constitute work and know how to avoid them.


2. Productive people know when to let go of the non-essentials

Should sorting out emails take up an hour of your valuable work time?

Do you really need to edit this document five times before you send it to your client?

Sometimes, we do non-essential tasks by dint of habit. We need to learn how to let them go. It’s either we get rid of them or allocate them to others.


3. Productive people do not multitask

…or avoid it, especially if they don’t need to. Multitasking is the bane of our generation.

The brain is just not wired to juggle multiple things all at the same. Tasks are meant to be completed one at a time for maximum efficiency.

4. Productive people know how to schedule their work “blocks.”

Most of us are early-risers, with most of our productive time scheduled during the daytime, while some are night owls.

Productive people know how to sync their work blocks around these times of productivity.


5. Productive people power through boredom

Persistence pays off in the long run. This is what separates productive people from the unproductive ones.

Suffering from writer’s block? Well, it doesn’t exist. You need to write something down on paper NOW even if you’re bored and don’t feel like it.

Persistence, not procrastination, is the reason why things get done.


Productivity picture quote



6. Productive people know when to unplug

Yes, too much technology is bad for you. Being connected 24/7 has its perks, but its really not good for a person’s overall mental health and well-being.

Meditate, commune with nature, or just take a little bit of time off from your computer– all of these can really help you increase productivity and jumpstart your way to success.


7. Productive people have regular sleeping habits

Lack of sleep does not equate to productivity. Your eyebags is not a sign that you’re a hardworking person, it just means that you have poor sleeping habits.

Regular sleep (six to eight hours per day, on a constant schedule) has long been scientifically proven to increase productivity.


8. Productive people workout

Going to the gym or exercising is always a win-win situation for all.

Not only does physical activity release endorphins (“feel good” hormones that can alleviate stress and keeps us happy throughout the day) it also helps us stay in tiptop shape, and contributes to good sleeping habits. And you don’t even have to do backbreaking high intensity either. Even thirty minutes of cardio (walking, running, biking) will go a long way.


9. Productive people reward themselves

“All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy” as the famous saying goes.
Reward serves as incentives for productive work. It pushes us, and drives us to finish tasks.


10. Productive people know how to allocate breaks

Breaks are essential for a productive lifestyle. Our bodies and brains are just not meant to work non-stop, so breaks are there to keep us refreshed.

Some people need longish breaks after long work blocks, while some can make do with short breaks interspersed throughout the day.


Productivity time and excuses quote


Robin Sharma’s 3 Keys To Super Productivity


I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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