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6 Negative Thoughts That Will Shatter Your Dreams



negative thoughts
Image Credit | Joel Brown

The road to achieving our dreams can be scary. In fact, the fear in our minds can hold us back from so much that we don’t even take a step toward our dreams. It’s as if the more the dream matters to us, the less likely we are to even pursue the dream.

The dream ends up being talked about and imagined, but never actively chased.

For your dream to become reality you must have a single minded focus and the only way to do that is to shatter these six thoughts.


1. I’m not good enough

If we do not feel worthy of our dreams, we will settle for less than what the world has to offer. We shrink back to a life that is comfortable even when we hate it.

Most people underestimate their skill and knowledge. I am sure that you do as well. You are worthy of your dreams. You do have what it takes inside of you.


2. I don’t know how

This is one of the biggest lies we tell ourselves.

Of course we don’t know how when we have never done it before. There comes a point in life where we start to believe that we need to have the answer. This is not reality. We should build learning into our lives until we are six feet under. If you don’t know how you can find someone that does. If you can’t find someone that knows, there are blogs, YouTube, google, and many other resources to help you learn how.


3. It’s not realistic

Realistic is safe and boring. It is a statement that signals adulthood and a loss of imagination. If you want to achieve your dreams, you must be a little unrealistic.

Every person throughout history that is remembered has been unrealistic. If your dream feels unrealistic you are right on track to greatness. Keep pushing through the doubt of realism to achieve your dream.

A negative mind will never give you a positive life picture quote

4. What will people think?

The fear of what others will think kills dreams. It can cause us to hide behind a mask of our true identity. Others will not understand and that is okay.

To accomplish greatness it requires some people to not get it. There are people that will hate your dream, however, there is a bigger group of people waiting for you. Focus on the people that love your dream and ignore the haters.


5. I don’t have time

It is easy to focus on the lack of time when chasing a dream does not require much. It will require you to be focused and cut the fat out of your life. Many say they are hustling when they aren’t. You have more time than you think you have. A few days in the week, journal and record where you are spending your time. I am sure that you will find some extra minutes or hours.

Your dream may require a little less sleep, but it is worth it.


6. It has already been done

It is easy to think that if it has been done it is not possible. The reality is that this makes your dream easier in a lot of ways. There are a lot of disadvantages to being first to the market. If someone else did it already, it means that there is a proven market.

Your dream may have been done, but not by your unique self. You have certain life experiences and knowledge that applied to life will paint your dream a little differently than everyone else.


Time and focus will fix many shortcomings. Just keep walking it out and you will be amazed at your progress. Your dreams are possible if you continue to be faithful and keep focusing your energy toward your dreams. Over time you will see your dreams come to fruition.

Be blessed on your journey.


How to Crush Your Negative Thoughts – Elliott Hulse

Zechariah Newman builds businesses, runs marathons, and lives life with my wonderful family in southern Oregon. You can see my writing in places like Entrepreneur Magazine, Fast Company, Mind Body Green, and the Good Men Project. My goal is to help you build your business while keeping a balanced and fulfilled life. You can visit his website: and follow him on his Facebook:



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