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This is How Far A $100 Bill Can Go



The guys at were refunded a lot of money by a charity after they fundraised a huge amount of cash for them.

Jhaj & Kong decided to go out and tip those who are roughing it out in their minimum wage day jobs and the look on the workers faces are priceless.

This video shows you how far a $100 bill can go for some people who are struggling to pay bills and rent and how grateful people can be when you extend a hand and help them out.

Great video Jhaj & Kong, what an awesome thing you are doing for people out there.

Keep it up guys!


Tipping Minimum Wage Workers $100


“We handed out more than $1,000 total, and surprisingly, we actually got more tips refused than were accepted during all of our excursions,” Jhaj said.

“For many fast food chains, it’s against policy to accept tips, and many of the workers were actually scared to take the money for fear of getting in trouble — misaligned incentives, if you ask me.”

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