We all have the same amount of hours in a day, it’s how we spend them that separates the good from the great. Productivity seems to...
For me, this conjures up a scene in Monty Python’s Holy Grail where the king is explaining about how he built his castle on a swamp,...
If you are addicted to success you most certainly are addicted to fear too. Why? Because they are a direct consequence of each other. When you...
We live in a world where we’re always around people either at work, in the store, and on our phones through social media. In fact, our...
At times, the workplace can be a stressful place to be. Whether you are faced with demanding clients, even more demanding colleagues, or just the incessant...
We live in a time of abundance. Despite what you see in the news daily, beauty and opportunity are all around us. We have the ability...
When a human embraces the process of spiritual self discovery, it can become confusing to understand what spiritual energy actually is. While this confusion does play...
“Why address self-worth?” This was a reporter’s question after I gave a speech entitled “3 Reasons Why Increased Self-Worth Leads to a Better Money Story.” Even...
Entrepreneur, it’s French in origin and sounds evocative. And like the term ‘startup’ it once sounded attractive, even exciting. You’re trying to push this new business...
“If I work as hard as I can and become successful, then I will be happy.” That is the prevalent belief in our society these days....
Do you feel sick and tired of all the generic advice on success out there? It’s always the same things. Read more, write more, believe in...
Donald Trump famously said, “Avoid your comfort zone – it’s probably outdated anyway.” It is very good advice for people who are exceptional, but what if...
People always say that life is short, but they fail to remember that while life is short compared to eternity, living is the longest task that...
Struggling with a negative mindset is a very real and common problem, one that often hinders a person’s ability to grow and achieve the things in...
Take a quick reality check right now. You could simply look around you, or assess what’s going on in the aspects of your life you care...
Would a race feel fair if there were no starting gun? Imagine you are crouched at the starting line of a race along with all the...
In just 8 years, Joel Brown went from snake wrangler to music industry salesman to founder of megabrand Addicted2Success, a motivation blog with 162 million hits...
Have you ever played with Runes, Tarot Cards or consulted the I Ching to get an answer to a major life question? I have. When I...
Time is the only actual resource that matters. Yet, as with the majority of things that people should take care of, most of us run short...
You’ve heard of S.M.A.R.T goals, correct? In order not to set yourself up for failure, experts tell us we need to pick goals that are smart,...
How many times a day do you look at your phone? How much would someone have to pay you to quit Facebook? Has your attention span...
Tony Robbins emphasizes simplicity when it comes to effectively setting goals for himself and for others. In his understanding, goals are fundamental to life direction and...
To become a successful entrepreneur, I had to radically shift the way I thought about myself, my life and success. Taking that long look in the...
Peak experiences. We all get excited about fulfilling our current craving be it planning a trip, being invited to a special party, finding the perfect shoe...
I sat there on a frigid New Year’s Eve night and lost it. With tears streaming down my face, I realized it was time. Everything had...
Are you done with the new year new me stuff yet? I’m so over it. Mind you, I gave up the whole new year’s resolutions thingy...
I was recently participating in a family event. As I was walking by I heard someone saying: “well what can you do about it… That’s her...
When you are looking to set your very first life goals and start to do some research, chances are, you’ll discover a method called the “SMART”...
Do you ever find yourself wondering why you chose to become an entrepreneur in the first place? Has burnout become your norm? If you’ve answered yes...
When was the last time you really thought about what you wanted to accomplish in the next 12 months? Most of us will take part in...