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7 Reasons Why Meditation Is Key to Keeping Yourself Cool and Calm



why meditation is important
Image Credit: Unsplash

New age, new thought processes, and new ways of living – all three go hand in hand. We are in the 21st century where everything is different from what it used to be a couple of centuries ago. Despite all luxuries, people face more problems today as compared to the previous era. The reason is quite simple – the dreadful lifestyle promoted by hurriedness in life. The speed of life seems to be overtaking even the speed of light.

Although this is a new era with advanced problems in front of a generation, the solution is still age-old. Since agitation is a common issue in today’s time, all we need to do is remain calm and composed. The ancient practice of Meditation is sponsored by most of the health experts. In fact, millions of people all over the world enjoy the delight of Meditation to stay healthy.

Talking about the relevance of Meditation, the India-born exercise has been an awesome friend of humans since the Vedic era. Meditation is a prominent topic of discussion and practice in all major Yoga programs.

Below are 7 reasons why meditation is key to keeping the mind cool and calm:

1. Promotes inner contentment

Satisfaction is a key component of one’s composed personality. This is an extremely important trait of people, who want to explore the world with ease. For attaining any goal in life, you need to be happy in life. You should make your life joyful in order to survive on the planet quite happily.

With the practice of meditation on a regular basis, you learn the art of surviving even in limited resources. Most people are not happy with what they have, and are always looking for more. This is a major source of trouble in life. Meditation nourishes the mind, body, and soul of a practitioner to stay satisfied with what he/she has. With satisfaction comes happiness and peace in life.

2. Helps preside over anger

Anger. Seems quite relatable, isn’t it? After all, such has been the dominance of anger in today’s style of living. Whether you are in the office or in your home, the issue of getting angry is quite common. It can arise any time and when it comes, you get a step closer to ruining your beautiful life. People who practice meditation are able to control their anger in quick time.

In fact, there is no space for resentment and outrage in a meditating mind. The yogic exercise prepares you to fight moments of anger. Many times, you get splenetic over someone’s words for little reason. Meditation teaches you to see everything in a positive way. When the world looks positive, there is hardly any reason to be wrathful.

“Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. There’s going to be stress in life, but it’s your choice whether you let it affect you or not.” – Valerie Bertinelli

3. Lets you follow your goals

One of the most basic things we know about meditation is its concentration power. Even newcomers to the world of Meditation know the beauty of this mindful exercise in maintaining mental focus and concentration. Whether you are an office-goer, a student, or a business person, focus is the key to success.

Reaching the point of success gives the happiest feeling of life. There is no better way to walk on life’s path than by remaining composed, which is, of course, attained through the practice of meditation. The journey to the goal becomes a fascinating one while feeling the charming aroma of this yogic exercise. You can spend your life quite comfortably and with restfulness when the beauty of Meditation adorns your life’s garden.

4. Takes Care of Health

Diseases make one’s life hell. Since the living style of the modern generation is so poor, there is always space for diseases to attack the body. When one is not physically well, he/she cannot be fit mentally.

Meditation plays a significant role in keeping the body healthy. The problem of high blood pressure can be cured by meditation in a completely natural way. Also with daily practice, the systems of the body are balanced. The body, heart and mind improve with daily practice of meditation.

5. Meditation is about the spiritual well-being

Through the practice of meditation, you develop the ability to look inward. Instead of reaching out for answers here and there, you realize that the answer lies within.

Meditation is the path to achieve interconnectedness with all the other beings on Earth as well as with the higher self. A person realizes the true essence of life and that everyone is a part of the universal being. Ego, anger, hate, selfishness, and pride no longer get any importance and that leads to spiritual upliftment.

“Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It’s a way of entering into the quiet that’s already there.” – Deepak Chopra

6. Nurtures the decision-making skill

A person with good decision-making power is sure to remain serene-headed. There are moments when you need to make certain decisions in a little amount of time. Many struggle to do so but not those who have the blessings of meditation by their side.

This practice is about improving the intellectual mastery of a person so that he/she emerges as a better situation-handler. All these are possible only when the brain is clear from all sorts of unimportant issues. Meditation makes the mind a peaceful space for the storage of information and wisdom to flourish.

7. Anxiety has no place in a meditating mind

In the workaholic environment, stress and anxiety are never far. Your mental tranquility is always in danger with the load of work. The majority of the working population lose their temper amidst a heavy task.

When you are in the vicinity of meditation, there is no chance of stress attacking the body. You remain extremely calm and composed even in the scariest of circumstances. The exercise acts as a pressure-soaker so that the mind does not feel the heat of a stressful situation.

Do you meditate or want to begin? Share with us below some of your thoughts on meditation!

Manmohan Singh is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveller in India. He conducts Yoga Teacher Training in India and program Yoga Retreats in Thailand. He loves writing and reading books related to yoga, health, nature, Himalayas, and Trekking in India. For more, you can check out his website:

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