Charismatic individuals who have mastered the art of influencing others not only find the road smoother for their daily conquests, but they can easily convince others...
Productivity is a buzzword these days and most successful professionals in a wide range of fields have hailed productivity principles as the key to their success.
I have been blogging for quite a while, and some people tell me that I am wasting my time and can’t see what benefits there are...
We have got this all wrong everyone. Yes, we have had some horrific worldwide events in recent times but in the scheme of things these events...
Goal setting is something that nearly every successful person considers a MUST DO. I suspect there will be very little disagreement from most on that point.
I am walking outside to the rubbish bin for the third time today. It’s freezing outside, but I have to keep clearing the junk. I can...
Staying healthy, fit and motivated to achieve goals is every bit as much a mental exercise as it is a physical one. The fortitude it takes...
Do you ever have problems getting others to do what you want? Is it hard for you to move others to action? It seems to be...
It’s time to think seriously about your New Year’s resolution. Maybe this year it’s the goal of losing weight, starting a new career, getting a promotion,...
As much as we all desire success, when do we know we are getting there? What are the yardsticks we can use to measure our direction...
Every activity you approach in life, and the energy you put behind it is linked to one very important thing; the state you are in at...
If you’ve ever learnt how to drive a car, cook your favorite meal, or learnt another language; then you know that achieving success requires that you...
I remember when I first started learning the art of success and personal development. Every book that came my way I’d chuck into my Amazon cart...
Top performers know what they want and take consistent action towards it. They focus on their most important projects. They continuously improve their abilities.
My New Year started in fabulous fashion, high on life, loving what I do moving ahead at a rapid pace. This week, I had a meeting...
Have you ever wanted something, but weren’t been sure about how exactly to get it? Sure you have, everyone has, whether it was getting to the...
Herb Kelleher is the co-founder, and former CEO of ‘Southwest Airlines’. In 2010, Herb Kelleher was made chairman of the ‘Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas’ which...
What do highly successful people have that others don’t? What contributes to their success? It has nothing to do with money or even luck.
Entrepreneurship isn’t easy. Many business owners set out to build thriving enterprises. Working day and night, they try to earn enough business to keep them moving...
Millennials are poised to drive the future of business and entrepreneurship. The 53.5 million-strong Millennial workforce has risen rapidly and surpassed Generation X to represent the...
In every self-help book, you will ever read there is almost guaranteed to be a section on goal setting. Most of us, including me, seem to...
Ask people what qualities, abilities, and habits successful business leaders have and most of the responses you get would likely include thoughts about hustle, drive, hard...
What’s the one common thing that all great leaders in the world have? Curiosity.
As you reflect back on your year, thinking about the events that took place, the opportunities you received, the incredible people you met, the type of...
One of the good things about having hobbies is that you are rarely bored. Engaging in hobbies also relieves stress, and can be used as a...
Mental strength is the most important quality any entrepreneur, businessman, or human being for that matter, can possess. Without it everything is difficult, happiness is evasive...
There are two types of entrepreneurs. And knowing which one you are is critical to your development. There is the entrepreneur that just works hard. Someone who...
When you start a business you aren’t guaranteed success. But you can be sure that failure will happen, usually sooner rather than later. A lot of...
We’ve all been there: that time when we had a big deadline coming up, or something important we knew needed to get done. And instead of...
Robert Kiyosaki is an American businessman, investor, self-help author, motivational speaker, financial literacy activist, financial commentator, and radio personality. He is also the author of one...