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Success Advice

7 Winning Tips To Enable Conversion Over Instagram



Today social media is a prime mode to reach out to a large base of audience. Instagram is currently one of the most effective social media platforms for getting desired business results.

If you want to sell products via Instagram, you have to enhance interaction with your audience. This article highlights the techniques to convert audience with the help of Instagram.

Here are 7 tips to use Instagram effectively:

1. Describe products clearly and effectively

You should make sure that the product descriptions attract attention of your audience with the aim to convert them. Since, Instagram is meant to connect socially with your audience; you can add a personal touch to it. You can add emoticons to describe the products with clarity. This approach is effective in reaching out to a wider base of audience informally.

“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” – Peter Drucker

2. Create an appropriate image

Besides offering interesting product descriptions, you have to make sure that the product images appear as appealing as possible. You can use Instagram filters or apps to make the images sellable. Sometimes a plain image without any effect can be more appealing to clients. If you want, you can present the product image in many forms. Some tools help in designing an image in such a way that it consists of several pictures of the product. For instance, if you own a fashion business, you can show a dress from many angles.


3. Increase contact with influencers

For increasing traffic to your site you can connect with influencers. Influencers are experts in a particular industry who can fetch many followers to your posts. As the name suggests, an influencer can have an impact on the buying decisions of your audience. He or she can increase the engagement on a post simply by tagging it. A recent survey has proved that influencers can increase audience engagement to 60%.


4. Hire an automated service provider

You can also hire a company which offers efficient service to increase your connection with your audience. The experts in the company make sure that your brand receives optimum amount of likes. You have to opt for their automated service to get likes and followers.


5. Use hashtags to increase visibility

Hashtags can fetch you the desired traffic you want from Instagram. You can take a look at the hashtags offered by the platform. Then, you can select the hash tags that you think can cater to your target audience.

You may also come up with hashtags for your brand. You can observe the activities in your account to understand what percentage of visitors use the hashtag. Hashtags attract high rates of likes and followers to posts on Instagram.


6. Offer easy purchasing options

In the event that you want your audience to make purchases via Instagram, you can use tools that offer your audience buying options. Instead of adding the website URL, you can add the link to this tool. The link can connect the potential buyer to a page from where they can make their purchases. When you analyze the sales reports of your company, you can realize which products have the maximum demand. By promoting those products on Instagram, you can ensure higher sales of the items.


7. Like and comment on photos of followers

If your followers post photos with a product of your brand, you can like them and also comment on them. This attitude shows that you are ready to acknowledge their actions.

“Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It’s about impact, influence and inspiration. Impact involves getting results, influence is about spreading the passion you have for your work, and you have to inspire team-mates and customers.” – Robin S. Sharma

We can conclude that high instance of audience interaction can increase the sales of your products. By using Instagram you can effectively amplify the conversion rate in your business.

How do you enable conversation over Instagram? Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below!


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