Creative problem solving is a skill that is necessary for business leaders. Being able to devise creative solutions to difficult business problems will establish your credibility as an...
James Allen once said “You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you”. Mind Power is a fascinating...
Stress, along with taxes, is one of the few guarantees in the life of any business owner, entrepreneur, or executive. With a never ending – and...
I am spending my time trying to articulate how having an understanding of the Three Principles – Mind, Consciousness and Thought is useful for dealing with...
As everyone gets ready for the swing of the New Year, resolutions are promised and plans are made. Regardless of your goals for the year, it’s...
In light of Kobe Bryant’s death on January 26, 2020 from a helicopter tragedy, I am compelled to write about the risk profile that many of...
You cannot grow your business unless you grow yourself too. Personal growth is often ignored by aspiring entrepreneurs because they assume all their research and learning...
Get a college degree, find a high paying job, meet your soulmate, buy a house, get married and have kids. The exact order of events which...
I was always one of those people who set New Years’ Resolutions/goals for the year ahead – to earn X amount, to exercise more, to relax...
You know that you need to be creative to solve complex problems, support innovation and make progress. A lot of tasks, however, cause you to put...
According to a recent survey by Gartner, Inc., growth was the top priority for CEOs in 2019, and it will continue to be in 2020. Along...
Larry Page, one of the most famous icons of the web, founded Google with Sergey Brin in 1998 and has served as the Chief Executive Officer...
I fervently believe in the notion that in order to be successful, you must become an avid reader and insatiably curious about how the world works....
I recently finished Carol Dweck’s book “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,” which motivated me to deeply ponder her thesis on the Growth Mindset versus the...
When most of us think about keeping a journal or diary, our minds are often transported to the potentially embarrassing things we used to scribble before...
Fear is an emotion that most of us experience in this lifetime. However, some of us live in a more heightened state of fear, and sometimes...
Quitting is a bad habit and one that is taught and learned. As parents, we have way more control over this than we think, or even...
It’s no secret that the business world – actually, the world in general – is moving at a speed that wasn’t even possible just a short...
Ever noticed how easy it is to offer advice? You go to Google, find an inspiring quote and share it with your struggling friend. Yes, it’s...
Marketing is part & parcel of an everyday business. We have arrived at an arena where digital marketing has become really important for building brands and...
In this throat cutting competitive world where you can easily find a startup for all the things that you can imagine, it’s hard for any business...
My first experience with entrepreneurship involved dumpster diving. I was 10 years old and wanted to make some money. There was a warehouse that manufactured stickers...
Starting your business can be a high-five moment with fist thumping and back slaps for many. While for some, it can be intimidating. It’s not an...
Have you ever seen a 3-year-old child laughing hard at another crying with distress or pain? If you haven’t, can you visualize a scene like that?...
What is the very first thing you reach for in the morning? Be honest. It’s your smartphone. We all do it. It takes a very disciplined...
If the last 20 years has taught us anything it is that we have no idea what the next 20 will hold. That being said, we...
Being an adult is a tough job indeed. Getting a job, paying the bills, getting married, having a kid, retirement- the list never ends. However, with...
Have you ever thought about how different colors affect your mood? No? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Most people don’t know about this, but the colors...
One of the most common questions I get from freelancers is “how do I get high paying clients?”. A freelancer recently told me, “You know what, I’m doing great, but I want to work...
There could not be a better time than today to advertise your business online, find clients from everywhere around the world, and grow your brand authority....