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The Bookshelves of 20 Highly Admired Celebrities



Image Credit: Marilyn Monroe

What do LeBron James, Kendall Jenner, and Chrissy Teigen have in common? They love to read! We all know that reading has many benefits. Reading helps to reduce stress, decrease mental decline as we age, and improves focus and concentration. In fact, successful people like Bill Gates and Elon Musk credit their lifetime habit of reading as a crucial factor to their success. And it seems a number of well known celebrities have cottoned on to the benefits of reading too.

Global English Editing has created a new infographic, The Bookshelves of 20 Surprisingly Smart Celebrities, which shares the favorite books of famous celebrities. Like the rest of us, these celebrities read for many different reasons.

Lebron James likes to read to relax before games. Kendall Jenner claims that reading is a form of therapy that helps her deal with anxiety. And Chrissy Teigen loves to play detective and read murder mysteries.

Check out the infographic below for the bookshelves of 20 surprisingly smart celebrities:

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