Have you had a failure that made you not want to get out of bed? I’ve just come back from a public speaking contest where I...
Do you ever find yourself with a goal in mind and you know the actions needed to get there, but you just can’t seem to get...
How many of you can relate to this? You’re living in a big city. You commute to work each day to a job you dislike. As...
Anytime we suffer a gut punch, it’s easy to lose track of the goal and zero in on what went wrong, “why me” thinking, and everything...
Dale Carnegie said “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion” and he was absolutely right. What...
I’ve become a minimalist of late and in the last few weeks, I’ve embraced essentialism. I previously had never heard of this phrase “essentialism” and I’ve...
Whether you’ve moved to a new city, are looking for a job, want to start dating or simply make friends, networking will prove to be valuable....
There will be multiple times in your life where you feel the entire weight of the world on your shoulders. Things won’t go your way, you...
Have you ever been told off for being too ambitious? Have you ever been reprimanded for trying too hard? For working too hard? For not taking...
Do you ever feel like one area of your life is off track and your performance in another area drops? Maybe you’ve been going through challenging...
Worldview, it’s one of the biggest buzzwords of the twenty-first century. But what does it mean and how does it help us? Worldview is our set...
Failures in life are one of the most unpleasant, yet unavoidable experiences that we tend to experience in any phase of life. We try to avoid...
I come from Australia, mate. We say the word “mate” every three sentences and we’re big believers in the power of mateship. I think mateship goes...
I’ve realized, over time, that authenticity is the first step to true spirituality. Not only that but a key ingredient to true success in life. Why?...
You come home, tired from work, and as soon as you open the door, the drama hits you in the face. Either your boyfriend/girlfriend is throwing...
Today is a special anniversary. It’s been four weeks of no mess and no clutter. A few of my work colleagues were fascinated by this achievement...
Whether you’re turning your sidehustle into a career, sculpting a fitter body, or perfecting your favourite sport, getting better at anything requires a simple yet specific...
Managers tend to look at humans as productivity units. Energy is invested into prioritizing what’s on the to do list, with an attitude of do more...
As a success-blogger, I normally have a great deal of clarity about what I need to be working on. I’m also really driven by a sense...
Confidence is a belief in one’s abilities and sense of competence. There are certain subtle things we do when we lack or have low confidence, and...
We’ve all read loads of articles that talk about life lessons, and after a while, they all sound the same. I wanted to address the unknown,...
How do you decide what’s important to you on a day to day basis? How do you decide what principles to stand by and what moral...
Recently I got my first grey hair. It’s on the side of my head and it’s very obvious. I’ve never had a grey hair before. I...
Darwin once said that “It is not the strongest or the smartest that survive, but those most adaptive to change.” With all due respect, I disagree....
Do you ever walk around your streets or hang out with friends and family and wonder how some people are simply so likeable? You might love...
To everything in life, there’s always a positive and a negative side. The thing is, it’s so damn easy to focus on one over the other....
Social Media has been ingrained so much in our daily lives that our attention is fixated on it immediately after waking up, and right before falling...
A few weeks ago, our city was blasted by Arctic air and temperatures plummeted to the -23 Celsius mark. While my family griped about how the...
Making excuses comes from a fundamental lack of concern regarding our responsibility. It’s just like when you used to excuse yourself from the family dinner table,...
Super Successful individuals live what others would deem ‘a dream life’. These individuals have very different personalities to those who live ‘ordinary lives’. Ordinary people who...