With May being Mental Illness Awareness Month, it’s imperative to know what actions we can take to develop more successful emotions. Emotional pain is one of...
Recently, I’ve been experimenting with the way I consume, create and connect using social media. What started out as a tool that was supposed to bring...
Self-confidence is an evolutionary journey. It is the accumulation of experiences, new learning and fearlessness. Sometimes you may possess it and not even realize. Being conscious...
Whether in your work or personal life, getting along with people you’re surrounded by can be challenging at best. The inability to get along with people...
Permitting yourself to be vulnerable may imply weakness, a lack of character and an inability to meet life on life’s terms. On the flip side, it...
When you think of the word prolific, what images spring to mind? Artists are prolific. So are novelists, journalists, photographers and musicians. Those in creative fields...
We make thousands of decisions daily, and it starts the moment we get out of bed with deciding what to wear that day. While decisions like...
Reading this headline, you are probably thinking “Another smarty on the internet who is going to tell me the fact that my life sometimes sucks is...
You’re trying to figure out how to answer a question but you simply can’t. There are options and then, there are more options. You can’t eliminate...
Using praise as recognition isn’t a new concept. Look back to when you were in primary school and the number of gold star stickers for doing...
Powerful people are known for their ambition and desire to chase the impossible making it a reality. What sets them apart from the rest is their...
You’re busy, I get it. If you’re like me, you’re constantly jumping from one activity to the next. From one commitment to another, you barely have...
I was a scared kid throughout my younger years. Overly-cautious and wildly unsure were just a few of my characteristics as I headed into adulthood. Unfortunately...
An undeniably beautiful facet of the human condition is the responsibility we all share to make each other’s lives better. Inspiring others can be an incredibly...
This idea of doing only one thing was sparked by an event that happened this week. I decided to delete all podcasts on my phone and...
Vulnerability; A scary word which was hunting me down for 13 years until I faced one of my biggest emotional breakthroughs. It was the day when...
As I’ve gone through life, I’ve spent a great deal of my energy working to overcome my fears. From everyday fears like rejection and judgment to...
Did you wake up today hoping that today will be the day for your breakthrough? Everyday we see breakthroughs happen.The latest technology crashing into the market,...
It’s easy to focus on all the crap you hate or things that piss you off. Too much of life is spent complaining or talking about...
Communication was never a strong suit for me while growing up. I was extremely insecure within myself so naturally, the objective of my communication was to...
We all have this fairy-tale life we want. We scroll our newsfeed daily and tell ourselves “One day that will be me.” One day never happens....
Everybody is claiming to be an expert these days. While I am not against the idea of being an expert, I have grown more skeptical of...
Whenever I talk to people about how they set goals for themselves, the first barriers they cite to progress are often their own mental roadblocks. They...
Have you ever seen one of those videos on social media showing how you’ve been using certain products, or eating certain foods, wrong your whole life?...
With all the self-improvement overload of information we get, we’re told that we must have goals. Goals are important and I personally set them 12 months...
Innocently making a bad first impression has happened to many of us. Not coming across as you intended can create challenges in your personal and professional...
The fact is none of us are going to wake up tomorrow and drastically transform our life in 24 hours. “Small changes eventually add up to...
I ran my first workshop to two friends in their living room. It was pretty bad. I apologized throughout: “I’m sorry this is so bad!” My...
Have you ever listened to yourself talking and said how on earth do I sound that terrible? Most of us don`t realize they have voice issues...
There is nothing wrong in setting a goal in life in order to help manifest your vision of yourself years from now. These goals serve as...