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Random Stuff I Love That You’ll Probably Love Too.



It’s easy to focus on all the crap you hate or things that piss you off. Too much of life is spent complaining or talking about experiences or products that missed the mark.

I’d love, instead, to share some random stuff I love that you’ll love too like:

Cafes that encourage conversation.

Interruptions. Loud music. The need to get you seated and off your table as quickly as possible. These are all traditional flaws of a cafe.

The cafes I love are the ones that understand the power of conversation. Conversations are where lovers are born, businesses are created, careers are changed and emotions are shared. Nothing should ever get in the way of that.

The cafe is more important nowadays than the office. Real work gets done in cafes.

Waking up early.

There’s something seriously cool about being up before the rest of the planet. There’s this strange sense of calmness and you can think without interruption or noise. Working in the morning feels to me like I’m getting extra hours in the day.

I love mornings because of what they allow me to do, and also share with all of you.

People who show raw emotion.

Like that clip I saw on YouTube with an American guy singing “My Girl” by Michael Jackson which he’d changed into a song about his daughter. It had raw emotion, passion, moments of silence and it left me inspired.

Anyone who shows raw emotion is brave and I love it.

The beautiful countryside in Australia.

I just came back from Kangaroo Island in Australia and I saw wallabies, goannas, kangaroos (obviously), eagles, dolphins and seals.

The country I live in is beautiful and if you’re from overseas, then it’s great to visit. It’s a place that has so much beauty which will help take you out of your head and back into the present.

Seeing the result.

I love watching people bust their chops for years at a time and then finally get the result. A mate of mine was a failed musician for a long time. Everyone told him during the file sharing music era that he’d never make a dollar.

While he never became a big-name musician himself, he’s now got a multi-million-dollar music and entertainment business and is crushing it. He’s the nicest most humble guy too, which I love even more! Don’t you just love seeing people get the result?

Software that is dead simple to use.

We all have enough things to do each day and software that requires a manual kills our time. I love simple to use software that does what it says on the box.

Some examples of software I use are:

–    Grammarly

–    Calm meditation app

–    Mac OS High Sierra

The survivor phone cover on my iPhone.

My phone has been dropped from quad bikes, fallen out of my pocket while running and even had gym weights smack into it. Through it all, my survivor phone cover keeps my phone safe and doesn’t crack. Most phone covers made of plastic are rubbish but not this one.

Seeing people play with courage for the first time.

A rather junior guy in the company I work for reached out to me and asked me to be his mentor. The courage it took him to do that is something I love. He’ll never forget the experience despite the outcome and hopefully get addicted to it.

Well-thought-out videos.

Prince EA does some awesome ones on YouTube. They are poetic pieces written originally as raps that aim to change an entire culture and get us to think differently. They are short, sharp and clearly well-thought-out.

Storytelling fused with content, done in this way, is something I love. It generally goes viral too.

People who are inspiring.

Some people just have a natural ability to inspire others into action. Tony Robbins is an example. Martin Luther King is another. I love to be inspired and it’s what drives me to do the same.

Inspiring people is something I love because it carries so much power.

“You can literally make huge changes in the world through using inspiration”

Public transport.

It’s where I meditate and listen to podcasts. Some people hate the commute but I love it. I don’t need to drive a car and the train takes me where I need to go. Best of all, when public transport runs late, I get more time to listen to podcasts. Why would anyone ever drive?

What’s the ultimate thing I love?

Life itself.

“There’s so much to experience and so much positivity in the world if you can just stop looking at your phone for 5 seconds and notice it”

We have endless amounts of possibility hidden inside of us and each of us can do pretty much whatever we want. Through all the suffering we are guaranteed to experience in life, we can choose to still enjoy our time on Earth.

Life is what I love most of all. You can love it too.

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