When’s the last time you let fear get the better of you? Whether we want to admit it or not, fear keeps us from doing a...
When you’re struggling to grow your business, everyone seems to have a magic formula. Some experts will tell you it’s all about sharpening your skills, while...
As an aspiring entrepreneur, business owner, or working professional, you don’t need a lot. You don’t have to come from money or have a million dollars...
My imperfection was my weight. I had gained over 365 pounds. I never thought or felt I was attractive. Maybe I had a pretty face, but...
If you’d like to learn how to harness your own unique personality traits so you can be successful in pursuing your passions, sign up for the...
Ever heard of the popular words, ‘comparison is the thief of joy’? This phrase couldn’t be more accurate. Comparing yourself to others around you will not...
Did you know that having high self-esteem can make the difference between being truly successful or a total loser? If you’re suffering from low self-esteem, your...
A few weeks ago, the relationship of my venture with a long-term client turned rocky. Losing them would mean a huge loss for my business, but...
You deserve to be successful, happy, and healthy. You deserve to be abundant, financially free, and fulfilled. You deserve to be loved, have deep-connections, and at...
“Why address self-worth?” This was a reporter’s question after I gave a speech entitled “3 Reasons Why Increased Self-Worth Leads to a Better Money Story.” Even...
There are a million different resources and pieces of advice out there from “experts” on how to build confidence, particularly self-confidence.
Confident people seem to have it all. They are admired by others and generally do well at everything they try. Self-confidence plays an important role in...
Self-confidence: some people have oodles of it, others…not so much. I was one of the latter types. Whenever I attempted something, my lack of self-confidence would...
Boosting your self-efficacy is a simple, yet powerful way to improve the levels of success and happiness you experience in your life. Each of us have...
Self-esteem can be defined as the confidence in your own abilities or worth. Self-compassion, however, can be defined by the ability to be gentle with yourself,...
To become a successful leader, confidence is required. It is a quality that can help you to build strong relationships with others, get things done from...
With May being Mental Illness Awareness Month, it’s imperative to know what actions we can take to develop more successful emotions. Emotional pain is one of...
Vulnerability; A scary word which was hunting me down for 13 years until I faced one of my biggest emotional breakthroughs. It was the day when...
Have you ever seen one of those videos on social media showing how you’ve been using certain products, or eating certain foods, wrong your whole life?...
Innocently making a bad first impression has happened to many of us. Not coming across as you intended can create challenges in your personal and professional...
Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald made writing look like a playboy’s game. Given to hard drinking and high living, they were famously careless and spendthrift....
Two seconds are what people need to form an opinion about you. A group of Harvard researchers wanted to see if there was a link between...
Do you ever walk around your streets or hang out with friends and family and wonder how some people are simply so likeable? You might love...
Many people think that if they work hard, be the first person in the office and the last one to leave at night that they will...
Marisa Peer, who was named the Best British Therapist by Men’s Health magazine, has spent 25 years working with an extensive client list including royalty, rock...
For 15 years, I struggled figuring out how to bring empowerment into my life. I was riddled with fear. Fear of rejection. Fear of failure. Fear...
As humans, we sort of depend on certain qualities and traits. For example, self-esteem and self-confidence (or confidence) are two fundamental personality traits that we need...
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and in case you’ve never been told, “sorry is a weak word.” You might even think your problem is unique and...
Tony Robbins wrote in his book awaken the giant within, “I believe that in your moments of decision your destiny is shaped.” We all know how...
What’s in a story? Life lessons, perhaps, maybe even actionable insight and takeaways. How about jealousy? Maybe even a dash of disdain, anger, and feeling of...