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4 Ways The Power of Your Personal Story Can Enhance Your Life



Storytelling can change your life

What’s in a story? Life lessons, perhaps, maybe even actionable insight and takeaways. How about jealousy? Maybe even a dash of disdain, anger, and feeling of inadequacy.

Ah, a feeling of inadequacy. Now there’s something we can all identify with. You see, we, as humans, have an innate character trait where we overvalue the success of other people, and simultaneously undervalue our own success.

Wow, she’s so amazing, I’ll never be able to compare, we often tell ourselves. I can’t believe he’s achieved so much at such a young age, we lament in silence.

But I’ll let you in on a little secret: They’re thinking the same thing about you. You see, it’s a classic case of the grass is always greener, but in this scenario, it’s not the greenery that you long for, but rather the chance to live someone else’s life. Or, at least live your perception of their life, because in reality you have no clue what’s going on inside.

And there’s the issue! Outwardly, everyone’s life seems great, and you’re judging their outward appearance against your inner demons. However, that person you idealize, well, they’re comparing their inner demons to your outward appearance.

The fact of the matter is that there is amazing power in your personal story. The downside to that fact is often only other people can see that power. So, in order to increase our success mindset, we have to believe, truly believe, that our story and journey is one of high value. 

Here are 4 ways your story can change your life:

1. Increase your confidence

If you believe in the value of your life’s story it will naturally increase your confidence level. The problem is that we need confidence in order to believe our journey is worthy of the people we hold in high esteem.

To overcome this obstacle and place confident value on your story, it takes dedicated self-reflection. Think about it this way: believe it or not, you’ve accumulated a unique set of skills and experiences over the years. It’s unique because no one, I mean no one, has the specific life mosaic that you have. Which means, no matter what, you have a skill set that is both uncommon and needed.

So, it’s important that we reflect on our life’s journey up to this point. By doing so, we can identify key experiences that propelled us forward with skills and learning. So take stock of your personal story and have confidence! Chances are there are hidden skills that you’ll uncover, increasing your personal value.

“The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon.” – Brandon Sanderson

2. Identify new areas of opportunity

Through self-reflection, not only will you uncover skills and experience you should be proud of, but you’ll also identify areas of opportunity. With your increased confidence level you’ll start to see these areas not as deficiencies but rather as chances for personal growth.

Then, you’ll realize that your personal story up to this point has been one for the record books, and you’ll realize that if you keep striving to get better, your personal story will only grow in power. And who’s to say that isn’t the biggest confidence booster of all?

So, by believing in the power of your personal story, and identifying areas where you’ve excelled as well as areas where you can further improve, it will make your life journey more valuable to yourself and the people around you. And when it comes to your personal power, value both internal and external, is the biggest factor of all.


3. Seek new experiences

The identification of future opportunity will naturally cause you to seek new experiences. When you think about someone’s story, what’s most important? Well, a captivating tale, of course! And how can you have an interesting and insightful story without interesting and insightful experiences to draw upon? I’ll let you in on a secret: you can’t.

If you want to maintain and increase the power of your personal story and therefore the value of your life, you need to seek new experiences. It’s imperative. Because in a sense, it’s these new experiences that will provide you with the skills that are uncovered during self-reflection, increasing your confidence level. Then, the same reflection will show you areas in your life where you can improve.

“A brand is a stor that is always being told.” – Scott Bedbury

4. Connect with stimulating people

Now, stimulating experiences are normally stimulating because of the people you share them with. And when you meet invigorating people, it naturally increases the value of your life, adding layers to your personal story.

Have you ever heard that you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with? Well, it’s true, and if you start to believe in your personal power, you’ll have the ability to connect with increasingly impactful people. Through this belief, you’ll feel competent hanging in the big leagues. Think of it this way: If you believe yourself to be valuable, you’ll naturally attract people of higher value.

And then what? Well, at this point, as you’re cage diving with great whites or as you’re scheming your next business idea with new friends, you’ll realize that your personal story has immense power and value. It will feel amazing, let me tell you.

And then what after that? Well, the cycle repeats itself, of course! Emotions will always ebb and flow, and even at your highest level of self-confidence, you’ll feel natural levels of self-doubt. You’ll second guess your personal story. When this happens, all it takes is dedicated self-reflection, and you’ll be put right back on the track of personal growth. And if that’s not the beginning of a powerful tale, I don’t know what is.

How has the power of your story changed your life? Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below!


Evan Tarver is an author and business owner with experience in the technology sector, and is a self-proclaimed "business nerd." He’s also a spirited writer who contributes nonfiction business articles to various online publications and pens full-length novels found on Amazon and other leading retailers. Connect with him at and receive the first two chapters of his new novel - a parable about passion and purpose, for free: Life in Twenty-Something: A Story of Self-Discovery



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