Do you often procrastinate? Are you doing it now by reading this article? If yes – awesome, continue reading.
I started writing unprofessionally three years ago. Some would say my whole career is unprofessional and I’d agree. Imperfection is damn sexy though. I began writing...
Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist in residence at New York’s Hayden Planetarium is an unlikely role model for marketing excellence. Clearly, he knows how to get your...
There’s hardly a person in history that hasn’t seen failure in life. People fail in life and it hurts. It can cut them deep, leaving you...
Screw what people say about emotion. Emotion is everything. Emotion is what has allowed me to keep gaining a massive online audience. Here’s an example: Last...
Many people think if they could only reach success that their life would somehow be better. They live by “if onlys” (if only I had a...
You don’t have to be told that building and maintaining your brand online is a cornerstone to making things happen in your career. A personal website,...
My newfound success it not what it’s cracked up to be – it never is. In some ways, it can be a curse. Ever since I...
Whether you are managing a startup, a small business or a large corporation, it’s no secret that fostering creative thinking within the workplace is vital to...
Until recently, I thought I wasn’t a leader. Then a few months ago it all changed. Consistently I started to get told that I was inspiring...
We’ve all got something we want to achieve in our life, but why do many of us never smash our goals to pieces? Why do we...
TV streaming apps make money from stealing your attention. Their goal is to monetize your wasted time and distract you from your dream. They’ve been successfully...
You want to have a great career and for everyone to know who you are because of what you do for a living. You pretend you...
We love reading success stories. People like Steve Jobs and Michael Jordan inspire us to shoot for the stars. We may even insert ourselves into their...
Despite our need for external motivation, it’s all you. I’ve been looking for the perfect mentor, girlfriend, job, food, holiday, car, etc, and what I realized...
Have you ever wondered how to ethically use persuasion to motivate people to think, say, and do the things that you want them to do? Having...
I didn’t always have my life all figured out. In fact, there are still parts that I need to work on. One day I was contemplating...
Whether you are the class clown or identified geek in the class, why do we automatically assume one cannot lead? There is plenty of research on...
Your job title doesn’t define you. I don’t care and neither does the next person. I’m meeting a lot of people at the moment who seem...
Do, you feel stuck? Do you think you haven’t done enough to achieve your goals? It’s probably because you’ve been staying in your comfort zone for too...
If you spend any length of time reading productivity articles, you will eventually come across the concept of accomplishing your hardest task first in the course...
Many people think that if they work hard, be the first person in the office and the last one to leave at night that they will...
Over the last three years, I’ve gone on one hell of a journey. I’ve met people who’ve created life-changing, not for profits, I’ve met billionaires, I’ve...
Mindset is everything. The gurus tell us this and it is true. Your mindset is the beliefs you carry in your head about you and your...
One of the hardest things one can face is getting fired. It’s not easy as you end up being shocked, confused, and angry at your former...
Sometimes, you need to give yourself permission to procrastinate. This isn’t going to be your average blog post on productivity hacks. I’m not going to promise...
In this era of accelerating change, tremendous competition and overwhelming complexities, you often wish to showcase to the world the vast amount of potential which you...
For the last three years, I’ve been vulnerable and put myself out there. For some strange reason I have warmed to the idea and it’s become...
I couldn’t work out why I was unsuccessful. Surely making lots of money was the answer. Surely having an amazing social life and hanging out with...
Writing a book or delivering one speech is not enough to garner the attention you need to boost your business in front of the masses. So...