Let’s bake a cake! This recipe calls for three simple ingredients: one cup of Courage, two tablespoons of Initiative, and three teaspoons of Will. You can...
Power Couples: Those two words have to be the sexiest two words in the business world when placed together. What’s even sexier is when OTHERS label...
We are always looking for how we can fit more into our days and weeks, eager to try the newest productivity tip that comes our way,...
You have reached the point in your life where you want to change many things and become a better version of yourself. You are not completely...
Walking out of a Starbucks in my suburban hometown, my hands were full carrying the Coffee & Frappuccino. The door opened up from someone walking in...
At one point or another, everyone has found themselves wanting to quit their crappy job. Whether it’s the long hours, mundane work, or the manager who...
I’d never bothered to insure my life, income or health. That fact right there says a lot about who I used to be. Then I changed...
Laziness is something that we all struggle with from time to time. Some more than others but everybody feels the laziness bug slowly creeping up at...
“Embrace the Human Spirit and Let it Fly” at first glance seems like a New Age quote from a poster hanging in a yoga studio somewhere....
I recently watched a compilation of SpaceX fails, and instantly came to the conclusion that the audacity of private space travel is both compelling and unsettling....
There are strategies which bring together all happy and successful people who can also use them to improve the quality of your life. Usually when you...
It’s time for some good news! You’re only ever lacking in three areas and guess what? You can turn those 3 things around relatively easily and...
I struggled with many aspects of life early on such as growing up in challenging circumstances and getting bullied at school. I read my first self-development...
A popular meme reads: “I’m having people over to stare at their phones later if you want to come by…” It’s kind of funny in an...
We live in a reactive world. We feel compelled to check and respond to digital tools at a moment’s notice. A few minutes here and a...
Most of us can probably name a person or two who can walk into a room and instantly become the center of attention. Some people seem...
Recently, Tim Ferriss turned 40. Many think of him as the ultimate form of success. His life is not as rosy as you may think. After...
There’s more to life than lying to yourself each day. That’s what many of us do and then we wonder why we feel like garbage and...
It’s time to get real for a second. An acquaintance tried to tell me last week that she wasn’t in control of her decisions. That’s BS....
On the cereal box of life, we’re not told what to expect. No one tells us how good the highs can be and how bad the...
I’ve been feeling low on energy lately. I went to the doctor and he sent me off for a blood test. The results came back. Apparently,...
The worst form of fear isn’t one that keeps you awake at night staring at the ceiling. It’s not the pounding of your heart against your...
Maybe you’re spending sleepless nights tossing and turning in bed, or perhaps you’re sleeping in until noon. Maybe all you hear are the sad songs, and...
I love social media. It can help you make friends, share your life, build a network, and even build a business. In the same token, social...
Success Has Nothing To Do With Your iPhone Model Number. Recently, another new iPhone model was announced. Working in tech, people asked me when I’d be...
I’ve been inspired to learn about Stoicism for a while. The problem I’ve had is that it’s one of those topics that people love to complicate....
There are lots of things which can affect your success at work. Your drive and ambition, how well you work with the rest of your team,...
For many years, I dreaded Monday mornings and felt extremely excited for Friday mornings. I lived with this mindset for years until I realized that this...
Surely if you’ve ever tried helping someone quit smoking, odds are that you will hear the word “will” spoken in the first 5 minutes. Aside from...
Most of us wouldn’t mind being happier, and because of this, we do what we can to achieve this. We work harder, earn more money, and...