Perfectionists have high standards for themselves and for others. In an office environment, as employees, they take their responsibilities seriously and never complete any task or...
Real success is the struggle, pain, overcoming fears and obstacles throughout life. Stories of those who have it far worse tell us that the body, both...
Having been on Facebook for a while, you must have bumped into a couple of ads. And if you think like a true businessman, then you...
Our thoughts are the beginning of everything we do—or don’t do. We all know of people who are extremely wealthy, living passionately, and making an impact...
Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald made writing look like a playboy’s game. Given to hard drinking and high living, they were famously careless and spendthrift....
A popular meme reads: “I’m having people over to stare at their phones later if you want to come by…” It’s kind of funny in an...
People like to say that it’s not the idea that matters, it’s the execution. That may be true to some extent but even the best ideas...
Now, this is weird. You came here to find another source of motivation to keep going, and you’re being told that you shouldn’t. Hang on, because...
When you were a child, did you ever watch a movie and then reenact your own version of it? Did you ever let your imagination run...
Why do some people seem to travel up the success ladder at warp speed, while you’re still stuck where you are? As frustrating as this can...
In today’s era, the production and exportation of varied products to international markets are growing bigger, all thanks to the excessive industrialization and globalization that enfold...
Imagine if you could always be happy. Imagine knowing no matter what happens—no matter how bad life gets, no matter how much pain and stress you...
How many of your decisions can be explained by: “That’s the way things are done”? Clayton Christensen, the world’s leading authority on the topic of disruptive...
Whether you are managing a startup, a small business or a large corporation, it’s no secret that fostering creative thinking within the workplace is vital to...
One of the hardest things one can face is getting fired. It’s not easy as you end up being shocked, confused, and angry at your former...
One of the most important things you need if you want to succeed in the business world is creativity. When you are an entrepreneur, you are...
Achieving extraordinary success is not a walk in the park. A lot of people work hard to achieve success but in the process neglect their relationships...
Creativity is something that everyone needs to thrive in the twenty first century. Entrepreneurs, app developers, graphic designers, start up companies etc. are all new emerging...
Do you ever feel like you’re always starting and stopping in your biz? There are days when you wake up with an insane amount of motivation...
The aim of a business, right from company registration through to seeing your first return on investment, is to grow. Innovate, develop and expand in a...
Whether you’re a student trying to memorise your courses more efficiently or a professional seeking self-development and mental sharpness, there are many ways you can boost...
When you think of an effective leader, what image comes to mind? It’s easy to come up with a few names off the top of your...
You‘ve heard the productivity gurus, read the time-management blogs, and heard from the motivational speakers. Everyone repeats the mantra that goals are what get you to...
We always can use some more creativity in our lives. Whether you’re running a massive company or just looking to take on some do it yourself projects...
Everyone is capable of being creative. Creativity is something that simplifies our everyday lives in a myriad of ways – at work, at home, and in...
Hands up who has not at least seen one Pixar movie in their life? There probably isn’t a lot of hands up as with worldwide box office...
No matter what business you are in, chances are the competition is fierce. You probably have a website, you have your marketing, you may even blog,...
A lot of people cannot seem to help but think that creativity is something that not everyone has. More often than not, people think that this...
Tim Ferriss (if you’re not familiar with his work) is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal best selling author, an angel investor in companies...
James Clear is an entrepreneur, author, award winning photographer and athlete. James shares scientific research and real-world experiences that help you rethink your health and improve...