Is your year not going well? Feel like giving up? Me too (sometimes). Before you give up, do yourself a favor and try and avoid these...
We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” With business and daily life being dominated by faceless emails and emotionless...
What does mindset have to do with success? Don’t I just need to work harder and maybe get a lucky break or two? No! Your mindset...
Years ago, I asked myself something that was probably asked by many people at some point in their lives. We all know that working hard is...
“Everyday we are slowly dying” My buddy Joel Brown said this quote to a group of us a few weeks ago. I felt a wave of...
A day doesn’t seem to fart on by without someone telling me that I should have done X when I was younger. It’s like if you...
You crave it, the high of success. You’ve become so obsessed it keeps you up until 2:00am, and you do everything in your power to obtain...
“How can I trigger a state of happiness after all of this pain?” said my inner voice. This was a reoccurring thought of mine for the...
When it comes down to deciding which employee is going to get a raise, or who would be most qualified for a particular job, employers look...
The last few weeks I have had some amazing times. If only these experiences could last forever. Or can they? When we are in the moment...
The Way You Think About Willpower is Hurting You. The idea of ego-depletion arose from a 1990 study done by psychologist Roy Braumeister at Case Western...
We grow up listening to stories of the great men who made a difference and dream of becoming like them someday. That dream begins to fade...
It was that time of the year again that I hated. My birthday. My mentor took me out for lunch at my favorite vegetarian restaurant that...
Over the years, success has been defined in various ways. However, the actual measure of success works hand in hand with your willingness to take up...
These days all I hear is how humble l am, how much money I gave to charity, how l have 10,000 followers on Facebook and in...
Like many other millennials coming out of college, my first foray into the work world wasn’t a smooth landing into a stable job. I spent a...
You are not just anybody, you are a very outstanding and resourceful person. As the special person you are, the only thing that is good enough...
Time, for me, is like ice cream for a five-year-old. I treat time like I treat a beautiful woman – with respect. This sweetheart called time...
You want to wake up in the morning, do great work, and receive extra pay, praise, and promotion. You want to build a business, get customers,...
It was late on Friday night. I couldn’t really be bothered socializing The energy wasn’t there, but I did it anyway. Last time I went to...
If you have decided to be successful, it’s because there is a fire that is burning inside of you telling you that there is more to...
My hyper/crazy mind told me to stop reading after high school. I was convinced that there had to be a more productive way to learn other...
“Crazy things happen when you know who you are. Certainty breeds influence” This is the story of a new buddy of mine named Swish. I met...
Staying on top of our game in this competitive world is harder than ever. There’s little room for error, and there will always be someone gunning...
Alright keep your pants on I’m straight as an arrow and I obviously didn’t personally hook up with Pierce. I do like his accent though. I’ve...
You’re feeling motivated and you want to start your journey to success. The fire has been lit in you and you start working on the projects...
Everyone has valuable time on their hands, but sometimes people assume that their time is just valuable and fail to remember that the value of time...
A long time ago, apprenticeships were necessary for construction and similar jobs that required learning through practice. With the increased popularity of college degrees, this type...
Everybody has that person that they spend too much time with. That person that stops us from following our dreams or talks us out of taking...
We can only get so far before we need someone to say yes to us. I watched a video recently of a magician who was in...