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Success Advice

5 Ways to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Achieve Amazing Success



comfort zone

Do, you feel stuck? Do you think you haven’t done enough to achieve your goals? It’s probably because you’ve been staying in your comfort zone for too long. When you don’t challenge yourself or make concrete steps towards success, you’ll always be stranded wherever you are in your life or career. Growth happens when you do what is necessary even when it’s uncomfortable. Success is a result of that growth.

Here are a 5 ways towards transforming your life and taking the leap to advance your career:

1. Acknowledge Your Behavior and Make Changes

A lot of people go to great lengths to avoid unpleasant situations that require them to face their anxieties. How many times have you had to pass up on opportunities that seem too daunting, even when you have the means to do it successfully? We have all been there, and it’s always challenging to conquer these fears every time.

It can be agonizing when you let self-doubt and fear simmer in your thoughts. Anyone can be discouraged thinking of the worst possible outcome to every situation. People have different ways of getting over their nervousness. If you haven’t figured it out for yourself, try putting yourself in a situation where you can no longer escape it.

When you find yourself balking at these chances again, set yourself up to do what needs to get done. Put yourself in a position that will give you no other choice but to go through it. More often than not, the sheer desire to just get it over with will compel you to finally act. That’s when you go for it.

How can you start doing this? Start small. Whether it’s making a cold call or speaking to a crowd, we all have our mountains to climb. You have to stand at the foot of it, acknowledge its massiveness, and make your way up.

“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” – Michael Jordan

2. Do What Successful People Do Every Day

There’s no other way around it. Who else can teach you how to attain success better than people who have already done it? Learning from people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Oprah Winfrey will show you that you have to focus on self-improvement.

Have you heard of the five-hour rule? This rule has you set aside an hour every day for practice or learning. For most successful people, the five-hour rule falls into three applications: reading, reflection, and experimentation.

You can allot one hour per day to develop a reading habit and keep learning. You can also use that time to think, play with ideas, write in a journal, or do any kind of self-reflection that works for you. You can also use it to create and test things and figure out methods and systems that work.

What will you get out of the five-hour rule? You gain new skills. These skills will give you a great work advantage. That’s what you will apply in your field to achieve success. Living a life of continuous learning will help you lead a fruitful and healthy life.

3. Seek Inspiration Everywhere

Taking your cue from the reflection exercise of the five-hour rule, you have to find things that fuel your passion. There are a lot of great online platforms that allow you to expand your horizon in just a few clicks. Some people look for motivational speaking videos like talks and keynote speeches. Others go for inspiring memes and quotes from notable personalities.

Whatever it is that inspires you, go and find it. It could be taking a walk outside and being one with nature. For others it is having coffee and watching people pass by. My dad likes observing a craftsman while he creates a work of art. Let the buzz of people milling about or doing what they do best motivate you. Bring your work out to the world.

Stepping out of your comfort zone entails bravery and determination. Work towards finding inspiration from others to do it. Someday, you might be able to inspire and pass it forward.

“A year or so ago I went through all the people in my life and asked myself: does this person inspire me, genuinely love me and support me unconditionally? I wanted nothing but positive influences in my life.” – Mena Suvari

4. Get Ideas From Case Studies

Not all case studies are truthful, but they make sense. You don’t have to believe every word or insight. Instead, use it to fuel your own ideas. Look up case studies that are related to your industry. Research practices that work. Whether it’s from direct competitors or companies with the same target market, you have plenty to learn.

Platforms like Facebook and Amazon have a wealth of case studies that you can go through. Find out what works from companies that stand out in their respective markets. See how they managed to reach more audiences for growth. Digest them and take the best out of each one and apply them to your own business when you can.

Use these ideas to challenge yourself. When you can’t find what you need, keep looking until you hit the jackpot and come up with your own million dollar idea. If these businesses made it, why can’t yours?

5. Take Back Your Weekends

People who hustle often think that weekends are no different from work days. That’s where they’re terribly wrong. Weekends are your opportunity to relax and focus. Downtime is also important, especially when you work hard through the week. This is important – use it to bring you to your center.

Taking time out on weekends to reconnect with family and friends, pursue interests, and plan for the coming week helps you stay refreshed for the week ahead. Connecting with people keeps you focus on what’s important. At the end of the day, you have to remember what matters.

Keep yourself fit and stay strong. Clear your head and prepare to get new ideas. What you do on weekends matters, so continue investing in yourself and keep growing.

Stay motivated and focused using the five hour rule and these tips. Until next time…

What are steps you’ve taken to transform your life? Please comment below and let us know!

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Will Robins is a remote Growth and SEO expert. Will and his team at Content HOW focus on creating a complete sales generation machine for businesses. Everything from copywriting, consulting, to email automation and sales funnels. Content HOW helps businesses generate more customers, revenue, and content. Follow Will on Twitter.

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