Do you ever feel exhausted by your efforts to be successful? Everyone’s idea of success differs, but one theme always remains constant – it’s hard freaking...
In the summer of 2016, I ran a Spartan race. For those of you who might not know what a Spartan race is, it’s an obstacle...
The decisions you make, and don’t make, make you. Think about it. Did you make the call or make the excuse? Stay or leave? Stand up...
A few years ago, a customer in my software business paid upfront for a round of changes to their custom software application. It wasn’t an issue...
Entrepreneurship should be a goal for everyone. While we all have to be employed in order to earn money, we must remember that we can’t just...
With the current state of our society, the violence, the hate being promoted and the unrest of the world and it’s relationships with one another, one...
Have you ever heard someone say that talent is the key to success? I haven’t and even writing it right now sounds weird. Yes, talent is...
When it comes to achieving your goals and living your dreams, most people have a hard time because they procrastinate and are not taking any action...
As an individual in his mid-twenties, it saddens me to look around and see the majority of people, especially my generation of eighteen through thirty-five, let...
You may think that sharing your dreams is the first step to successfully achieving them. You’ll have more motivation and people will be able to hold...
Every budding entrepreneur would agree that self-development plays a key role in creating the business and lifestyle one has dreamt of. The field of work demands...
Today’s customers have access to a world of products and services across all fronts, especially the e-commerce businesses. With accessibility comes the expertise to choose the...
You’re smart. You know how early rising can boost your chances of success and a powerful morning routine will supercharge your day and fast-track your progress...
Being successful, wealthy and influential is admirable. It’s good to have money to support your family and loved ones. It’s great to have a profitable business...
Being able to solve problems is one of the greatest skills that an entrepreneur can have. But what if your brainstorming sessions lack that certain spark?...
It seems like every successful entrepreneur has had and endorses getting a mentor. Most people think of a mentor as someone that teaches them about business,...
Being productive as an entrepreneur isn’t easy. There are so many distractions out there that it can be hard to make progress towards your goals. But...
Have you ever set a goal for yourself and got super excited to get working on it? The first few weeks are great! You’re moving forward....
Each of us is responsible for our own lives, our futures and everything in between. It’s not enough to simply sit back and wait for success...
Each one of us was born with something unique and powerful to contribute to the world. And it’s living this deepest essence of our self that...
Are you to the point where you want to throw in the towel and proclaim that the life of an entrepreneur is not for you? Do...
Entrepreneurs work hard. They hustle, work long hours, and their brains are always running…Does this sound familiar to you? All of this is great – that...
Every entrepreneur is guilty of experiencing a time at some point when you think you’ve hit rock bottom. Getting to the top is a process which...
Creativity is something that everyone needs to thrive in the twenty first century. Entrepreneurs, app developers, graphic designers, start up companies etc. are all new emerging...
They say if you love your job you will be successful. However, I don’t think this is the case. I don’t love my job. I don’t...
When it comes to making the choice of whether to pursue humility or ambition, there really is no right answer. But there is an answer that...
By now we all know that what separates successful people from the not so successful is largely the mindset and action they take; it’s been proven...
Whether you’re creatively blocked or your usual motivation or inspiration has left you, one day you will wake up and find yourself in a dry spell....
Have you heard of the phrase “at the end of the day it’s all love”? Have you watched the movie Love Is All You Need? Have...
When people imagine starting their own business, everything seems perfect. They think about quitting their jobs, making a positive impact on the world, and living the...