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5 Reasons Why Every Budding Entrepreneur Must Meditate




Every budding entrepreneur would agree that self-development plays a key role in creating the business and lifestyle one has dreamt of. The field of work demands focus and constant motivation as one has to juggle with several duties and tasks at the same time. One needs to enhance his level of concentration and get rid of all the negative thoughts and stress factors. This is where personal development steps in.

Given the prominent role self-development plays in transforming us into a better entrepreneur, you must be wondering what the best way to develop yourself is.  Meditation is an effective technique, which has scientifically been proven to increase concentration and focus and eliminate stress and negative thoughts.

Enlisted below are five more reasons, which will inspire every entrepreneur to take up meditation:

1. Stress-buster

Undoubtedly, one of the most significant benefits of meditation is its stress reduction power. We encounter numerous stress inducing situations in our lives and leaving behind a steady paycheck to follow the dream of being your own boss is indeed one of those. Managing the finances when the business is not going as planned is another incredibly stressful situation. Meditation can help you remain calm in the most stressful situations and make well-calculated decisions.

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” – William James

2. Eliminates distractions

It takes focus to build a business. To reach a desired level of success in your business, it’s important you eliminate distractions as it can really damage your productivity. Meditation enables you to gain better control over your thoughts and in turn enhance focus. The process involves rhythmic breathing, which helps you to control the cortical alpha rhythms. The improved focus through meditation allows you to eliminate all the distractions at work.

3. Enhances productivity

Deep breathing while meditating allows us to take more oxygen into the system, which in turn promotes better brain function and mental wellness. It has also been proven that meditation increases and improves the signaling of connections in the brain. Thus by meditating regularly you can really improve your brain function and as a result productivity.

4. Increases patience level

Every entrepreneur undergoes the pressure of generating better results, building a productive and effective team, developing a high-performance workplace and securing sustainable outcomes. As such patience is what helps maintain composure and deal with the pressure. Meditation instills a sense of calm and positivity in our minds and makes us more patient to deal with failures and stresses.

“Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.” – Joyce Meyer

5. Better problem solving

Stressful situations in business are a daily occurrence. You are bound to encounter things you aren’t prepared for and circumstances you did not perceive earlier. The calm and composure, which comes from meditation helps you deal with such situations wisely and make better decisions. It often changes your perspective and allows you to come with innovative solutions and allows new ideas to emerge.

How to meditate?

Find a comfortable position to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths. Use mala beads to keep the count. Mala beads are made of precious gemstones, which have specific qualities and you can get one to match the intention of your practice. As you continue allow your mind, thoughts and feelings to lead you on. Be patient and persistent.

Have you implemented meditation into your daily routine yet? How has it affected your life? Leave your thoughts below!

Sabrina Silins, who grew up in the Canadian Rockies, is deeply connected with nature and community. She strives to promote positive community and spiritual practice. Her website, Mala & Me offers original gemstone malas for cultivating a better soul & body.



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