We live in a world where entrepreneurship is constantly glamorized. We see the lives of those fearless risk-takers and admire their drive to run off virtually...
There is nothing wrong in setting a goal in life in order to help manifest your vision of yourself years from now. These goals serve as...
Have you had a failure that made you not want to get out of bed? I’ve just come back from a public speaking contest where I...
Working environments have changed. The 9-5 day born out of the early fifties is no longer so rigid or necessary. Technology has paved the way for...
A recruiter approached me to do some business development work for a tech company as a side gig. I told him to setup a face-to-face meeting...
Being a startup founder is hard, don’t make it any harder on yourself. You can learn from those who already have a successful startup and follow...
On paper, your goals seem like a must. You want that successful business, you want to inspire others, you want to get on stage and wow...