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Life Hack: Your 5 Second Password to Success



5 sec password to success

What if you could spend less than five seconds setting yourself up for success?

Most successful people know that in order to be useful, goals must be written down.  Goals that aren’t written down are just dreams, goals that are written down become plans.

Here is an easy tip to keep your goals in front of you:

Write down your goals every day  by using your passwords.

We all have passwords that we use to log into our computers, e-mail, social media accounts etc.  Passwords are a necessary evil.  They must be changed frequently, requiring a confusing array of letter and number combinations  that are difficult to remember.  You might keep them in a document or use an app to track them all.

Why not make your password an easily remembered goal statement?

I  have used this quick trick for years! For example, when working on my Ph.D.  I changed the log in password for my computer  to PhD2008! It was a simple reinforcement  of my goal that I saw and used every single day.

Earning a  Ph.D. is a  large goal, and many people languish unfinished for years; some never finish.  I  achieved my goal on time in less than four years while working full time.  I never let my goal out of sight.

“Goals that are not written down are just wishes.”

One reason people don’t achieve their dreams is because when life gets busy they set aside their goals and forget about them for days, weeks or months.

It is difficult to put your goal on the back burner when it is literally staring you in the face multiple times every single day.


When my husband and I were planning a Windjammer vacation, my password became Learningtosail.   Last year we orchestrated a major move to a new city, my password?  Madisonbound14 

Maybe your goal this year is #1topsales  or triathalon15.  Maybe you want to ClimbEverest.  Do you want to Livegratefully?   

Perhaps you would like a cheeky reminder  like  2015Goddess  or Buyin’aHarley.   It is a lot more fun and personal than Tiger12345 and it keeps your goals where you can see them every day.

In less than 5 seconds, you can use your strong passwords to stay inspired and motivated.

Go ahead and try it. After all, what have you got to lose except your dreams?


Michele Meier Vosberg, Ph.D. is an educator,  freelance writer and speaker.  She is redesigning her life to live more simply, happily and well, and working to  inspire others do the same.  She lives and works in Madison, Wisconsin, USA  runs her blog.



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