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5 Ways to Overcome The Fear of Being Judged



What people think about you is none of your busines

In a recent Q&A to a group of amazing individuals, one of the questions I was asked was around the fear of being judged. It made me reflect and think back to my teens when I used to fear being judged by others. That was until I realized that no matter what I did, what I said or how I looked, I’d always be judged by someone.

You see, if I allowed the narrow-minded opinions and self-hating ways of others to define and shape who I am, I wouldn’t be where I am and who I am today. When we fear being judged by others, we lose a part of who we are during the process. That’s how carbon copies are created and people become a shadow of their true self.

That’s no way to live right? The narrow-minded opinions of others should never prevent us from honouring who we are, and showing up in the world as our true self. Now I understand this may sound easier said than done, but there is always a solution and a way to breakthrough regardless of how things may seem.

Here are five ways to overcome the fear of being judged by others:

1. There will only ever be one you

Requiring validation and the acceptance of others will never serve us. Accept and love yourself for who you are, both inside and out. We are all unique beings with beautiful flaws. It’s those flaws that make us stand out from the crowd and draw people towards us. Think about all the things that make you unique and use them to your advantage. Who wants to conform to what’s considered the ‘norm’ anyway?

“Embrace your uniqueness. Time is much too short to be living someone else’s life.” – Kobi Yamada

2. You are here because you have a purpose

Every single one of us has gifts, talents, skills and experiences that are meant to be shared. Long to write an article, create a video, an audio or stand on stage in front of a live audience? Don’t let the fear of judgement stop you. There is someone out there that needs you. There is someone waiting for you to shine your light in their direction so they can overcome what they are going through. They don’t want to hear from anyone else, but you. How long are you going to hold in your greatness?


3. What people think of you is none of your business

What and how you feel about yourself is what actually matters. What other people think is none of your business. If you make it your business, you’ll end up carrying around the opinions of others on your back that will end up weighing you down. What happens when something becomes too heavy? The weight becomes too much to bare and to take further steps forward it has to be released. Free yourself.


4. Focus on what you can control

Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by things you’ll never be able to control. External influences which is everything that is not derived from within will always be there, but the role and impact that they play within our lives is a choice. Have you ever heard the saying “like water off a ducks back?” That’s exactly how to treat the things you can’t control. Let go of them and allow them to roll off.

“You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius

5. Free yourself from limitations

We have a responsibility and owe it to ourselves to be bold, fearless and free from things and people that can limit our abilities, hold us back and suffocate our greatness if we allow them to. Allow your voice to be heard and your inner light to radiate because whilst we cannot control the external influences, we always have the power within to control our internal influences.

What way out of the five served you the most? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Danielle McDonald is the clarity architect. Danielle is dedicated to helping individuals gain absolute clarity, develop the right mindset and take action for results. You can download her FREE action guide to help you renew your mind for growth and success here. You can also check out Danielle’s website where you can watch videos and listen to her podcast show.



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