This is the second article in a three part series on identifying and eliminating Limiting Beliefs and keeping them out. You can read our previous article...
There’s magic about incredibly simple writing. It’s difficult to convince or express meaning in a few words, but that’s exactly what a slogan does. Brands that...
I constantly hear about individuals trying to manage their time. There’s no doubt that successful people know how to manage time and complete lots of tasks...
I’ve always considered myself to be like Peter Pan. Age has no bearing on what I think of myself or anyone else for that matter. While...
Some people are entrepreneurs from the get go. They’ve been negotiating from the days of their first lemonade stand. Other people blossom as an entrepreneur later...
In the age of the Internet, information is now all around us. This means the likelihood of information overload is more likely. Yet in the age...
Putting your head down and doing the work required to achieve your dream is going to be hard work. If you’re like me, you’ll have 101...
We’ve all seen inspirational posters that exhort us to follow our dreams. So many great motivational speakers tell us to follow our passion and that money...
Do you admire someone because of his or her productivity and you wonder if you could be like that person? If you want to be more...
Diligence, focus, determination; these are the key elements that every entrepreneur strives for on the grueling journey to success. These very elements allow you to step...
The law of attraction has a bad rep, and it’s not surprising. There are so many wishy-washy laws that seem more likely to be talked about...
Success as we all should know by now is not about one giant factor; it’s about all the little things. If you commit to having a...
It’s not easy to keep going when your whole life sucks. When you are not making much money, have few friends, and hate your job, you...
If you’re reading this right now, you are probably the kind of ambitious badass who sets high standard for yourself, who invests in your personal growth,...
Regardless of who you are and what you do, there will be periods both in your personal and professional life where you will feel less than...
The term rewiring your brain has become a psychological revolution in recent times. We now know that you can literally rewire your brain by choosing the...
Successful people will always tell you that it doesn’t matter what you do when people are watching, it’s all about what you do when nobody is...
Do you ever walk away from a conversation feeling like you haven’t been heard, that the other person wasn’t really listening to you? If so, you’re...
When I started to connect with top influencers in online marketing, millionaire entrepreneurs, New York Times bestselling authors and renowned media personalities, my life and my...
Success loves speed. One of the major reasons why people seek out personal or business mentors is because they want to avoid unnecessary newbie mistakes so...
Ever since I discovered personal development, I’ve begun leading people. Not in the traditional sense, though. My leadership occurs naturally through social media which allows me...
Everybody who has looked on social media for some inspiration has come across the quote, “Don’t work hard, work smart”. When you scroll down to the...
The aim of a business, right from company registration through to seeing your first return on investment, is to grow. Innovate, develop and expand in a...
In today’s high-speed, ever-connected times, being “busy” is one of the most valued social currencies. If we’re busy, then surely we must be important, successful, valuable...
Have you ever wondered if there was a way that failure could transform your life towards your success? I used to hate failure. Now I see...
Do you set goals and fail to reach them? Don’t worry because Scranton University has shown a study that as high as 92% of people who...
Take a step back and think about a time you had a job or a job you have right now. Have you ever thought about what...
When you are criticized by your boss, it is not always to admit your faults. You will probably insist that you are right. Or, you will...
6 Months. That’s how long it took me to get on HuffPost. 2 years for my first podcast interview. 1 year until I became a guest...
Introverts get a bad rap. They’re often viewed as shy, aloof, antisocial, or just plain weird. But when it comes to entrepreneurship, it appears that introverts...