Steve Jobs once said that ‘if you look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.’ It is valid for the most successful million-dollar businesses in...
A perfectly good decision that seems like the most rational choice at the moment can turn out to be a disaster later. We aren’t intentionally stupid...
Many people feel that their emotions hold them back from making the right decisions in their personal and professional lives. This may be the case, but...
If I told you that Snoopy (yes, that Snoopy), was the main reason for the success I have had in my adult life, you might cock...
The Covid-19 pandemic has tested the leadership skills of global leaders both in government and in the private sector, but have male or female bosses handled...
Bill Russell played for the Boston Celtics for 13 years. Remarkably, his teams won the NBA championship 11 of those 13 years. He felt the key...
What do you see? That Money = Cost x Time ? Or, that Time = Money/Cost ? Most of us routinely push through the weekdays while...
You may wonder what martial arts and negotiation have in common. As a lifetime practicing martial artist, I constantly use lessons from various martial arts to...
Too many business leaders think the latest marketing or sales strategies are the key to growth and building a freedom-based business. They fail to realize that...
Before we start exploring leadership myths, let’s take a moment to examine these three “truth or myth” questions:
I am lucky. I believe in luck. BUT My success did not come from luck. You see, what we do every day lays the groundwork for...
You likely spend time thinking about your physical strength, thinking about how you can exercise or eat healthy. But what about your mental strength? Becoming mentally...
Ten years after I started my company Intrinium, the business was generating a consistent profit. I was able to pay off debts and was living comfortably....
If you’re asked to give a presentation in the final hours of a four-day conference, then brace yourself, because you’re facing some serious impediments. Your audience...
John Maxwell once said that “we live in a culture that rewards image- often over integrity. We promote people who appear to have their act together,...
Content marketing is “A type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does...
There are ups and downs in business but fearing failures can stop you from taking your first step towards excellence. With pandemic on tow, aspiring entrepreneurs...
Everyone wants success in their lives, but success can be defined in so many different ways that it can sometimes seem daunting. In this blog post,...
Michigan State basketball coach, Tom Izzo, wrote “Players play. Tough players win.” I would add to that, “It’s tough to win.”I think if you, as a...
We’ve all found ourselves at the bottom at least once in our lives. We thought that everything’s ruined and there’s no going back. The truth is...
Everyone hates to admit it, but you know it’s true. Time is our most essential asset if used efficiently. We all have 24 hours in our...
Legally Blonde recently celebrated a milestone on July 13. The twenty-year-old movie franchise revolves around Elle Woods who wanted nothing more than to be married to...
Not every internship works out, let alone an unpaid internship. Internship experience can range from coffee runs to hands-on project management. Regardless of the actual responsibilities...
Friends are an essential part of our lives. They’re the people who help us overcome hardships and achieve our goals during childhood, youth, and adulthood. But...
When it comes to selling, in particular luxury/high ticket selling, I’ve pretty much seen it all. As the owner of both a sales agency, luxury sales...
Making a mistake on a spreadsheet; getting the boot from your job; or choosing the wrong career path. Failure, in many different guises, impacts every single...
The coronavirus pandemic disrupted our lives in ways most of us never imagined could be possible. COVID-19 didn’t just affect us physically. It also affects us...
Grief. Suffering. Anger. Anxiety. All of these words come with their own visceral experience. Even seeing them on the screen, you can feel the punch in...
As solopreneurs, we are susceptible to overthinking. With the number of things we have to juggle, we can easily get overwhelmed. You need ways to release...
Things in life don’t always work out the way that you want them to. Sometimes it’s small snags or setbacks. In other cases disaster can strike...