I went to a modern art museum once with a friend who was also an artist. We were looking at, what was for me, a particularly...
Everything in life emits sound and energy. From your weary sighs due to a long day’s work, to the cicadas that seemingly invade your ears just...
Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a writer. But my quintessential Indian father thought that was a terrible idea, and well,...
Given the stress and challenges of this past year, your inner critic may be at a dull roar by now. This harsh internal voice can contribute...
It can be easy to run headlong into burnout when you live in a hustle culture where you’re told the answer to all of your financial...
We start every year with big goals and a desire to accomplish more than any previous year. We spend each day telling ourselves that tomorrow will...
After a period of time of being in the workforce, you begin to hear about this idea of work-life balance. On paper, it’s a smart idea...
Best Man Speech: “I met Caleb when I was 15. I’ve been with him through a broken collar bone when he got sacked in football, being...
One of the greatest powers we have is the ability to have thoughts. Yes, sometimes those thoughts become negative or detrimental and they don’t serve us,...
Everybody wants to gain self-confidence. And for good reason, true confidence allows you to feel good about yourself and your abilities. You smile more and have...
“OMG! That’s so me!” Have you ever said this after getting your results from a personality test? If you look around the digital space, you’ll see...
If you took a good hard look in the mirror and thought about your life, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For too many...
Picture this: Two dudes, each on a horse, in a huge field. At the same time, each horse starts moving. That’s where the similarities end.
Have you ever wondered why some people handle failures so well? They take setbacks in stride and don’t let anything keep them from working towards their...
While mindfulness seems to have its roots in Buddhism, its branches have spread across the world. The reason is simple – our world is in chaos....
Sometimes, life doesn’t seem to make any sense. Albert Einstein once said “insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Here’s...
The secret to happiness lies in the way you live your life. People think of happiness as some destination they’ll reach when they’ve accomplished the hundred...
We all strive to be better every day. Most of us want a new day to bring something new, and we plan for it as well....
One of the most important things for an entrepreneur’s mental health is expressing their feelings, thoughts, and emotions. This is where content creation and writing becomes...
Warren Buffett once said, the best investment you can ever make is in yourself. Time and money spent on bettering yourself are never considered a waste....
When we are overwhelmed by confusion, our psyche tries to establish certainty to alleviate our discomfort. This is usually accomplished by mentally imagining and acting out...
It’s almost euphoric, the feeling of ticking away boxes on the to-do list, at the end of a long day. It’s like you have seized the...
Humans are full of complex emotions, but it’s what makes us us. We go through good times and tough times and still keep our heads held...
As we raise children, we often teach them that grit, perseverance, and resilience lead to mastery and success. They do. But what are we teaching them...
Like me, many of you have YouTube channels that are sitting around collecting dust because we just didn’t know what to do with them. Afterall, being...
I am addicted to success, but my definition of success may be different than most. Rather than a desired destination like accomplishing a goal or achieving...
When was the last time you took a pause to self-reflect on your life? Maybe it was at the beginning of the year when most of...
What if I told you being positive is a big waste of time? Would that be crazy? Well, trust me, It’s not. And that’s because 90%...
Despite being committed to living a life of success and accomplishing your goals, things don’t always work out as planned. Our minds have the ability to...
It’s time to fall in love with the word no. Your boundaries depend on it. As the saying goes, “Just say no.” Sounds so easy right?!...