Your attitude is a reflection of how you think, feel, and present yourself to the world
We are in the age of “instant gratification” and, thanks to the internet, countless forms of ways to “get rich” or become a “millionaire” by doing...
We all have our outlook on the world, and it can make a big difference in how we feel. Are you an optimist, pessimist, or realist?...
When you look back on your life, what do you want to think about? Do you plan to reminisce on all of the good things that...
Want to destroy all potential for your personal growth with one sentence? Here it is: That won’t work for me because…
If you are looking to improve yourself, it is up to you to make changes that will change your everyday life. Putting in hard work is...
As you put in the work to create success, you will experience moments of pure excitement. You set a goal and worked to achieve it. When...
I was sitting on the sofa, waves of emotions poured through my thoughts streaming downwards from my mind into my heart. They are the sensations that...
1. Pick the knowledge you need When we want to improve at something, we often go to the internet to look for resources. The good news...
I was recently participating in a family event. As I was walking by I heard someone saying: “well what can you do about it… That’s her...
“My pleasure”. We’ve all heard this before right? It is probably not implemented more than in the culture at Chik-Fil-A. I can’t tell you how many...
Quite often in my profession, I encounter a grown child. It’s typically a person who thinks and behaves like they never matured past junior high. It’s...
You have big dreams that ignite your soul. You want to live those dreams today. Yet, you’re not equipped with the skills that’ll lead you to...
What if I told you that you could excel and impress in your working environment, regardless of your experience, expertise, talents, abilities or qualifications?
When you grew up, did someone laugh at your dreams? Did they mock you for wanting something greater than yourself? Perhaps they said “That is impossible!...
Confess it, you are as shy as the moon. Whether it’s an office presentation or a wedding toast, you jitter, sweat, and blush as you grapple...
Former model & rap star turned motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and life coach, Alexi Panos is on a mission to spread positivity to all people across all...
Are you tired of doing the same thing over and over again? Then it’s high-time you got that much-promised promotion.
In the past year I’ve been rejected a monstrous amount of times. I kept getting knocked down, but then like a phoenix I’d rise again. And...
Its the age of virtual living; you could easily feel defeated and depressed by just watching some pictures of your friends holidaying in an exotic location....
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances,...