Being an entrepreneur and running a business can feel like a rollercoaster. Ups and downs, but you learn throughout the entire process if you allow yourself...
Brendan Fraser is an actor known for starring in The Mummy trilogy. He got his start in acting during the 1990’s with movies such as George...
When you look at leaders like Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Boris Yeltsin, and Rudy Giuliani, the common thread connecting them is that they led with a...
Stephen Curry is considered one of the best basketball players along with being a member of the Golden State Warriors. He’s one three NBA championships, won...
Have you ever wondered where your resiliency comes from? Do you get a certain amount of it when you’re born, and when you run out, it’s...
This mind of ours never stops. Research shows that we humans produce some 60,000 thoughts each day. That extensive number of thoughts is an irrefutable consequence...
When you observe many famous people including Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, John Adams, Andy Warhol, Winston Churchill, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, they kept their...