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7 Days to Success: a Weekly Ritual to Become a Successful Entrepreneur



successful entrepreneur

We’ve often said there is no exact formula for success. While that’s true, there are some definite steps you can take to move your business in the right direction. If we could put this into some orderly sequence and create a system to follow every day, wouldn’t it be nice?

We brainstormed some ideas and here’s what we came up with. We’re not saying that these seven things are the only things you should do, but if you try one per day for seven days, you might be able to create new habits faster than you think!

Sunday: Planning day

Rest and plan. When things are quieter, take some time on Sunday afternoon to reflect on what you did the week before. After this, brainstorm some “mini-goals” you’d like to see accomplished in the coming week. Don’t try to plan too much at once, just think of the tasks that are the most productive and focus on those primarily. Always “plan in analog” and write them on a yellow legal pad or white paper so you can feel free to mess up and scratch out various ideas without limits. Lastly, “weed your garden” and transfer the best ideas to your “to do” list for the week.

Monday: Implement

Once you have the main ideas you plan to implement, plan the most important ones into your work week. You can spread the tasks out over the various days of the week or do three or four in one week. Focus on the most productive tasks you think will bring in the most revenue and save the others for when you have more time. Write up to six things on your “to do” list that you think you can achieve for each day.

Tuesday: Get up earlier

Though I am a night owl myself, I’ve learned that I can gain much more momentum if I get up earlier in the day and do a couple of important things before the day gets started. This idea has been shared by others in the past in the form of books that recommend that you get five things done before 11am and other similar ideas. We’re not saying that you have to do any certain number of tasks before 11. Rather, it just means you can use the early morning hours to achieve as much as possible to jumpstart your day. This technique may make you feel more productive and inspire you to keep working later to achieve even more.

“One key to success is to have lunch at the time of day most people have breakfast.” – Robert Brault

Wednesday: Focus on branding

Marketing is one of the most challenging things a business owner has to do to get their brand noticed. Yet, many often miss the mark because branding is more important than marketing. Despite what you might think, they are not the same. Marketing is focusing on products and services. Branding is focusing on your business and how it helps people to reach their personal goals. When you focus on branding, you are working on integrating all of the aspects of your marketing plan into one solid strategy which will place your brand in front of more people through multiple platforms and channels.

Thursday: Innovate and create

If you are a product-oriented business, Thursday is a good day to focus on innovation. Maybe you have your “creative team meetings” at another time, and that’s fine. Nonetheless, spend some time thinking about the innovative side of your business and write down some ideas for your next project. Get inspired and think about what Steve Jobs meant when he told his staff, “We’re going to pretend the universe.”

Friday: Evaluate and revamp

It has been said that “a life unexamined is not worth living,” but a business that is not measured is not worth having either. Take one day a week to evaluate how you are doing. Look back at your metrics, your ROI, and your sales on Friday and see how it compares to the week before or the month before and think about where you want to be in the next six months or year.

“Don’t lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality.” – Ralph Marston

Saturday: Do something fun

Yes, even obsessed entrepreneurs need a little downtime. Otherwise, what are you doing this thing called entrepreneurship for? Taking a little time for yourself and doing something you love like painting, birdwatching or photography can renew your mind and spirit and get you ready for a new week. Do anything you enjoy that is helpful for recharging your batteries. Get into meditation or check out the Calm app. It can rejuvenate your mind and spirit leading to your ultimate success.

We hope these tips will help you do something each day to move closer to your goals. It’s not so important when you do them, as long as you consider these important areas of your business growth and implement, plan, and evaluate as you go. You’ll do it, one day at a time!

How do you structure your days in order to win the week? Please comment below with some tips!

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Zac Johnson has more than 20 years of experience in the world of online marketing and has helped millions of people discover new and exciting ways to make money online. See all of this and more in action through his How to Start a Blog resource site, while also following Zac on his personal blog.

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