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The Importance of Knowing Your Own Mortality




In these sporadic times it’s easier than ever to postpone the future. We push back our personal goals and front load trivial activities. Instead of enjoying the moments we have, we fast forward through them like an uninteresting video. We don’t make time for our loved ones and we chalk it up to our busy schedules.

Unfortunately, this is the case for many individuals who are not truly aware of the fragility of life. How precious the time we have is, and how little we have left. Now we may have been to a funeral and understand the concept of death, but we don’t truly have a grasp on the scarcity of these fleeting moments. It’s a surface comprehension but not one that truly stirs your emotions and makes you take action.

“Happiness, not in another place but this place…not for another hour, but this hour.” – Walt Whitman

The more in tune we become with our mortality, the more apt we are to making this time count. We know that our time is precious and not something to be squandered. Trivial things like entertainment take a back seat while we make moves that truly matter.

Given our finite timeline we must make an effort to cut through the many distractions of life and prioritize things of importance. Guarding our time like a silent guardian only to relinquish these moments to activities of substance.

Rather than giving in to those eager to pull you away from your mission you must stand with a steadfast resolve forever pushing towards your goals in an unrelenting fashion. Taking each day more seriously than the last as our internal timers continue to dwindle.

It’s only with this stoic mindset do we truly grasp the urgency of how we should live our lives. It’s not a welcoming subject and the thought of death scares most people, but after serving in the military you come to grips with reality of your daily situation.

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

A grim reminder that there are no respawns and there are no mulligans. It’s not something to shy away from but rather embrace in order to magnify the importance of this very moment. With this, your loved ones are elevated to their proper position and embraced like never before. Let’s understand that together we can make the most of today while we build a better tomorrow.

Together let’s find the importance of our work and acknowledge our own mortality. Let’s not be afraid of the hands of time but use them to gauge the significance of what we do. Let’s do it together, let’s do it boldly, and do it in such a way that one lifetime is enough.

What are you doing today to make sure to take advantage of the life that you have? Leave your thoughts below!

Hi, I'm Victor Figueroa and I love personal development. I strive to be better than yesterday and my mission is to help inspire everyone to reach their full potential. Let's grow together as we travel through this changing world in search of health, wealth, and happiness. Join me at as we shift our way of thinking and create our own realities. You can also follow me on instagram @mentormindset.

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