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4 Brutally Honest Facts About Life That We Should All Live By



facts about life

We are living in a world which is overflowing with love and good people. We have things which create comfort and opportunities to become so much more than we thought. We are so used to all this luxury around us that gratitude is becoming only a “corny word” and losing its meaning. What if you wake up one day and you lose it all? What if today is the last day of your life?

I got inspired to write this article based on the information I received just a few days ago. My friend has leukemia, and she has been fighting it for over 3 years now. It is one of those stories when you know the person so well but stay speechless because you don’t know what to say. It is the moment which makes you forget about all your “problems”.

I am not here to judge because we all are guilty of taking things for granted. I guess it is a part of human nature. I simply want to share with you why it is time to realize everything that is allowing us to live.

Here are 4 brutally honest facts about life that we should always keep in mind:

1. You have one life

Let’s think about it. Do you want to be a shoe? Or a kangaroo? I bet you won’t. It always comes down to the fact that we all enjoy the privileges of being a human. Those chances and opportunities, feelings and experiences. We love it because life is phenomenal. So what is the catch?

Life itself has a lot of downfalls. You experience tons of struggles and hardships and pain. You deal with daily problems and challenges and somewhere there, among all these shenanigans, the true meaning of life disappears.

Look, I don’t blame you. Life sometimes gets so busy, we don’t notice it. The important thing is to appreciate those little things like a hearty laugh or great people we have around because nothing lasts forever. Life can change in an instant. Take advantage of what you have now.

“We have one life to live – and one chance to live it in the richest way possible.” – Judith Therman

2. You are limitless but time isn’t

What is the most common thing you do with your time? How much time do you spend by complaining, being angry or frustrated? If I tell you that you have a week to live, would you still behave the same way?

I love the fact that the sky has no limits because it makes me feel that everything is possible. But if we waste too much time on things and people who don’t matter, get stuck in the drama and sadness, one day we wake up with a heart full of regrets.

You have 24 hours in a day. How you use them is solely your responsibility. If you aren’t happy where you are now and you feel empty, lonely or unfulfilled, stop waiting around for some magical person or event to show up. You are the game-changer of your life.

3. You were meant to help people

If you think that life is all about you, I must respectfully disagree. Let’s say you want to make more money or gain more respect; you want to build legacy and wealth. If you are doing all this just for you then your effort is useless. Who are you going to share this “success” with?

The real meaning of life and fulfillment we are seeking will always come from the service we give to others. So if you ever wonder what the secret of life is, go out and help those worse off than you.

4. If you lack gratitude, you lack happiness

Since you are reading this article, I assume that you have some internet connection and a device you can read it on, food in the fridge and a roof over your head. Do me a favor and go on Google.

Check out some places around the world where children are starving or where the war is and read about it a bit. I am not asking you to save the world or become another Mother Teresa. I just want to show you the real deal.

Just the fact that you have the internet is giving you the opportunity to make money in an online space, travel the world and gain freedom. How crazy is that? Now, look at the other side where people are literally killing each other over clean water.

“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust 

Take those pink glasses off and see life as it is. As easy as it was given to you, it can be taken away, and you can’t do anything about it. Enjoy work you do, change things you don’t like and wake up every day with the gratitude of seeing another day. The best opportunity you’ve been given is LIFE. How are you going to use it?

Are you taking full advantage of being alive? If so, how? Please leave your thoughts below!

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Silvia Turonova is a mindset coach who teaches women how to develop more self-trust and inner confidence while learning how to bet on themselves. She hosts a podcast Courage Within You and is passionate about teaching others how to coach themselves. Get her free self-coaching worksheet here.



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