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The 3 Step Formula to Consistently Staying Happy and Successful



happy and successful

In life there are a lot of things that will make you unhappy. It could be a hectic schedule, things going wrong in your business, relationships in your life falling apart. It seems like some days you wake up and everything goes wrong. It puts you in a bad mood and ultimately makes you unhappy. The reality is that we each have a choice to make.

Even though things in our life are going wrong, and not as planned, we decide whether we are going to give in to our emotions and feelings or if we are going to make a decision to step up to the plate and do something about it. Ultimately you are the one that is responsible for your happiness.

Here are three things you can do in your life every day to stay in a consistent state of happiness:

1. Harmony Within Self

You wake in the morning and must prepare yourself for the day in every aspect, starting with taking care of you first. The idea that one cannot pour from an empty cup comes to mind during this process. In order to help others physically, emotionally, spiritually, and in any form we must first care for ourselves and nurture ourselves in these areas. A cold shower in the morning will wake you up out of any tired, lagging feeling; a fully alert and conscious mind is necessary.

Doing the typical morning preparations of brushing teeth, deodorant, combing hair, etc. are all needed as well; however, ending that routine with spraying a spritz of a nice fragrance that you enjoy having on your person, can and will help you be in a happier state of being.

Prayer, meditation, or taking a moment of a span of a few minutes to reflect on all of the good and positive things that you have going in your life. Surrounding yourself with a feeling of gratefulness and thankfulness will also ensure you are in a happy state of mind to take on your day and interact with others in a positive way.

“For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

2. Harmony with Humanity

Now, that you have prepared yourself physically and mentally, as you start your day, outside of your home, do a random act of kindness for a stranger. Whether you pump gas in the morning at your local corner store, pick up coffee at a coffee shop, or are stopped at a red light, extend to someone an act of kindness. How?

Pay for someone’s gas, buy someone’s coffee for them, hand a couple of dollars to a homeless person at the corner, buy someone breakfast. The list can go on forever; but challenge yourself to reach beyond your comfort zone and choose something to do to make a complete stranger’s day just a little better.

3. Harmony With Others

Because of our love and respect for ourselves that we have and our willingness to help someone that we don’t even know, finding harmony in nurturing the relationships that we have with people in our lives will become a lot easier. Whether these people are co-workers, supervisors, clients, neighbors, friends, family, spouses, etc. Making sure that we are adding value to the relationships that we have with people is vital to our happiness and overall success.

Many times the uneasy and unsettling feeling that we have at the end of the day, that ultimately jeopardizes our happiness, is the uncertainty of our standing with those that we value in our lives. So, make sure to cultivate each of those valuable relationships with a kind word, a compliment, sharing a few moments asking how their day is going, a pat on the back, asking what you can do better or more to help them. All of these things can go a long way to make your relationships with others healthy and harmonious.

“If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner.” – Nelson Mandela

What are some things that you do each day that help keep you in a positive mood? Leave your thoughts below!

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Richard Trevino II is a consultant, speaker, best selling author, and writer for all things personal development. He is also a father and a husband of 12 years that devotes much of his time to helping others, whether successful business people or homeless, struggling addicts to find their inner strengths and utilize those strengths to change their lives. His mission is to help people become a better version of themselves today, to forever change their tomorrow.

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