I’ll be honest, I have never sold a business I started for more than $10 million. But, I recently walked into a meeting with a group...
Becoming a financially successful person takes a lot of time, energy and dedication; it does not happen by accident or overnight. Most business owners have taken...
The most precious thing we have in our life is our dreams. Your dreams are unique to you, and no one has a dream that is...
I’ve been completely sober now for twelve months. People keep asking me how an earth I did it. They had questions like how do you be social,...
Look around you and you will see successful people everywhere. They are the ones hogging the limelight and they make the decisions which make the world...
You need an effective road map, winning strategies, and relentless commitment to achieve your most valued goals. These ingredients are the recipe for consistent progress towards...
Every week you probably go to the shopping center and shop your way through your valuable spare time. We are taught by society and traditional politics...
Writing is one of the best ways to connect with other people and become influential. The art of writing will always be timeless no matter how...
What image comes to mind when you think of taking action? Newton’s laws? Gears in machines? Someone intently focused on a task?
Ever feel like you’re never going to move up to that next income bracket, state of independence, or level of business success? Like reality as you...
Are you tired of doing the same thing over and over again? Then it’s high-time you got that much-promised promotion.
Your 20’s are one of the best times of your life, but actually, your whole life should be that way. As I hit another birthday, which...
Dear Twitter, when we fell in love in March 2009, you were the cutest and the best bird I had ever met. I remember when we...
Rarely are there books that can truly transform your life. Just like Think And Grow Rich and The Alchemist, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Book...
Say Yes! Say Yes! Sayyyyyyyyy Yes! This is just one of the famous lines you will hear at a world renowned Tony Robbins event. When I...
What if I were to tell you that being the underdog would give you more power than you could ever dream of. Would you think I...
Achieving success on a high level has been for many people for a long time, an unfulfilled dream. Many people just didn’t believe in the fact...
A lot of my time currently has been spent studying successful people and global influencers. The one’s who have started global movements all seem to have...
Too often in life, time gets in the way. How many times have we told ourselves, “I’m too busy to learn X…” or “I don’t have...
There is an increasing number of LinkedIn Guru’s popping up all over the place. They come offering a dream that will almost always guarantee you failure...
The world is a better place thanks to haters. I freaking love them and cherish my every interaction with them. Deadbeat haters make the world go...
You want to change your life. You want radical transformation: to get motivated, to be happier, to be more confident, to reach your goals; you want...
Have you ventured into a new business? Started on a dream? Worked your way up in a career?
Do you feel stuck in life? Maybe something’s holding you back, but you don’t quite know what it is.
You have a picture of what you would like your life to be, and it excites you. The picture of your perfect dream life consumes your every...
Before you go on to read this, I want to ask you one thing. Are you giving me your full attention? Unfortunately, the answer is probably...
In the age of social media and modern technology, we’ve lost the ability to focus. A lot of people like to say that they have ADHD,...
A common strategy for many aspiring entrepreneurs is to ease their way into it by building their business on the side while working a full-time job.
Your success is predicated on the building blocks of your personal standards. The quickest way towards making progress in your life, which ultimately will lift your...
From the boardroom to the car showroom or simply rescheduling a flight, we negotiate every day. Really, any time we want something from someone, whether it’s...