Imagine trying to be successful without being able to communicate effectively with other people. Whether it’s success in your personal or professional life, one thing should...
Sit down and think, for a moment, about what your successful friends do compared to your loser friends that complain. If you don’t have any successful...
Every single seminar will tell you the same thing. Every self-help, money management, business, and entrepreneurship book says the same thing. Every stress management, law-of-attraction, manifestation,...
Success is difficult and it requires a lot of dedicated work and time to produce the extraordinary results that people desire. Even so, people are still...
Why is it so hard to stay “on” and in the zone all week? You can read all the motivational quotes and blog posts as much...
The process of transformation is a difficult one. Just like cleaning your house, when you remove things that don’t serve you, you begin the process of...
Failure is a bad thing. That’s how we are conditioned from very early on. And so we take all the challenges in our life with an...
What’s up with this hustle epidemic? Almost every video I watch or every post I see on Instagram are full of hustle words and tough promises....
My mentor always tells me that he respects me. You know when someone gives you a compliment, and it feels really weird? That’s how I feel...
Affirmation is a powerful technique that has helped thousands of people achieve what they desire in life. Many people practice affirmations, but not every one of...
Jon Stewart is one the most loved and respected comedians in recent television history and is mostly responsible for the large success of The Daily Show....
Hearing the word “networking” brings up images of elevator speeches, stiff interactions, trying to look busy on your phone, and awkward silences. After the initial introductions...
On your journey towards your dream life, there will be many setbacks. Whenever you pursue a goal that is worth achieving, it will be hard. You...
As Entrepreneurs we have no shortages of ideas. Some good, some bad, and some downright terrible, and with that comes many projects. Now a lot of...
It’s Friday night, and I’ve realized what has to go down. It’s taken a few months to get to this point, and finally, the crossroad decision...
Keeping calm and clear in high-end pressure situations is a skill and not always that easy, especially as we raise the stakes. Whether it’s giving a...
Sometimes, when we study hard and get some sort of opportunities in respect to salary packages, positions, and safe future, we drive our self to that...
I was pondering the other day about all the types of people we meet during the week. I’ve noticed that there are a few that drag...
There’s a study from Scranton University showing that out of 100 people who set goals, 92 of them fail at them. And this means that only...
Of all the obstacles on the road to success, the fear of failure is the greatest. It doesn’t help that our society looks at any failure...
Sixteen months ago, I was staring into my computer screen with bloodshot eyes ready to give up. Between serving my clients, generating leads and managing my...
These three gentlemen get compared a lot against each other. In this post, I’m going to describe each one of them and tell you why you...
For the majority of my schooling years, I was a problematic student. I wouldn’t pay attention in class. I never turned in any of the assignments...
Success is the buzz word everyone wants to hear in conjunction with their own name. As much as our desires are immediate, success cultivates over time with...
It is highly unlikely that you would ever come across someone who doesn’t want to be successful. If everyone wants to be successful then why is...
Brian Tracy has been a leading expert on sales, psychology, and achievement for years. Every time I talk with someone in sales they are telling me...
Success in any pursuit requires a mentally tough mind. You can have all the resources, but if your mind is a mess, you will fail. I’ve...
In 2011, Joel Brown, now Founder of the widely popular motivation website, was working as a salesman in the corporate world. The Chief Operating Officer...
“This day I will drink every minute to its full. I will savor its taste and give thanks. I will maketh every hour count and each...
I found myself recently having to deal with a total a$$. All I did was send a short email to confirm I was doing the right...