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Success Advice

How A Pierce Brosnan Booty Call Woke Me Up From My Madness



Alright keep your pants on I’m straight as an arrow and I obviously didn’t personally hook up with Pierce. I do like his accent though. I’ve never been near the guy and probably never will.

I was sitting in a pub with a few people I’d just met. Now I don’t drink so that may sound strange but who really cares right? You came here for Pierce’s booty baby.

At this pub with me was a Snap Chat influencer, a woman who has crushed Instagram and started multiple million dollar businesses from it, and a woman who’s business has done more than a billion dollars in revenue, and a few other interesting peeps.

One of the people sitting at the table then told us all how they had been hit on by young Pierce Brosnan and I’m guessing this was when he was single. Apparently, he had left a voicemail wanting a booty call. Like any concerned gentlemen, I asked if the voicemail still existed and it did.

I put the phone up to my ear, and sure enough, it was him. My favorite James Bond character when I was growing up as a young buck was now etched in my memory for good.

At this moment, I woke up from my madness. This bizarre story made me realize the delusion I was living. We’re all messed up and doing dumb stuff even Pierce Brosnan. We do it because we haven’t found meaning in our life and we’re still searching.

My search for meaning

I thought I had it all and had this game of life sh*t figured out. After this life changing moment featuring Pierce’s booty call, I woke up from the madness of my reality: I don’t. I’ve realized that as hard as it is, we can’t let this reality delude and depress us.

The majority of us haven’t figured out the meaning of life and we may never figure it out. I’m of the belief that if we keep searching with an optimistic mindset, we can find it. From what many have described as my “hellish” twelve months, I realized the other night at that pub that I’m calm.

I’m not going to let all the negative thoughts take over from the major successes I’ve had over the last twelve months.

“I’m not going to let the darkness drown out the light”

We all want to be loved. We all want to be appreciated. We all want to inspire the world with our gift. What I figured out the other night is that all of us have the power to achieve these human goals. Nothing is impossible but it can be if you give up.

It’s how you perform in the dark times

Through my own struggle, I figured out that it’s how you perform in the dark times that determines your success. We all watch these pump up videos on social media that tell us never to give up, but then when the struggle comes around we forget.

The quickest way to get out of this way of thinking is to avoid selfishness at all times. Do things for others and do it more often, the worse you feel.

When you haven’t figured out the meaning of your life, choose gratitude and giving as your default way of being present when there is a lack of clarity around your meaning of life.

Find yours

Maybe the meaning of your life is less complicated than you believe. Like me, you’re probably over-thinking it. The delusion is that we look at other people’s success and then try and derive our own meaning for life based on their story.

I’ve figured out that we do this unconsciously. You’ve got to come up with your own meaning for your life and be happy not to have all the answers right now. As I write these words, I find myself saying, “Easier said than done Mr. Tim.”

Even in our moments of inspiration, our mind wants to derail us. You won’t find the meaning of your life unless you increase your level of discipline.

Your mantra to break up with negative thoughts

I’ve started doing 10km walks every day to get back to the top again. I’ve combined that with listening to Tony Robbin’s audiotapes. For those who know me well, this is going back in time to a previous success strategy and it’s a reflection of where I’m at (lost).

By coincidence, Tony said we have to have a mantra when we lack meaning. Whenever our thoughts get over-taken with negative emotions, we need to break the pattern. I’ve used the mantra “You’ve dodged a bullet, Tim,” as a way to interrupt my mind.

If you are finding yourself lacking meaning in your life and your mind is taking over, interrupt the cycle of troublesome thoughts with a mantra.

Definition of success

The other big realization I got at the pub the other night was that success still doesn’t give us a meaning for our life. I sat there and listened to these women who were making more money than any of us could dream of, and who had built massive audiences who hang on to their every word.

They were quote “successful, ” yet they seemed to be lacking meaning. Instead, they were fascinated with me because I appeared to have more meaning than them. I spoke with a sense of purpose and I clearly was not interested in money.

Unlike everyone else, I had no interest in being a groupie and riding off their success. I had no problem paying for my own food even though others expected the “young rich” to foot the bill. It’s bloody phenomenal how misleading almost everything we come into contact with is.

“Our eyes have taught us to see and want things that lack no meaning. We’re easily conned into believing that success is more important than meaning – it’s not”

Being on the path to finding meaning is better than being lost

While I may feel like I lack a meaning for my life right now, some meaning, combined with a foggy vision for the future is better than nothing. Finding meaning is like a jigsaw puzzle; you first find the pieces and then you gradually start piecing them together.

Have hope that you will find meaning. Know that a lack of meaning in your life is where most of your pain is derived from so it needs focus. When you focus on finding meaning, you’ll begin to find it. Don’t chase success. Instead, chase a meaning for your life.

Meaning will give you the energy to push through the dark times and come out on top. It takes a lot of damn patience to find meaning, but the people I’ve met that have found it have shown me it’s all worth it.

People who have meaning don’t need to pick up the phone for a booty call with someone that they shouldn’t be indulging in because they’re busy changing the world in a positive way.

Have you found meaning in your life?

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