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Success Advice

How to Implement an SEO Strategy Into Your Instagram Account



seo for instagram
Image Credit: Unsplash

Today we are going to be setting up your Instagram profile for success by implementing social media SEO strategy and tactics. You will need two things to get started today: Your laptop or phone handy with your Instagram account and internet access.

Defining your goals

In order to achieve success, we must define the goals that you are working towards accomplishing. Here are three questions to help you define your objectives for your social media strategy:

  • Are you trying to establish a brand? Or are you a brand?
  • Are you trying to or do you currently sell products?
  • Are you working towards becoming an influencer?

If you are establishing a brand, do you have a link to your website in the bio? Is your Instagram account shoppable if you are selling products? Becoming an influencer? Do you have a blog or a means of capturing leads from your account?

All of these goals have different calls to action. Ponder what your goals are and how your account can serve you better. Action item: Implement one of the following onto your Instagram account that best suits your needs:

  • Lead capture form or lead magnet
  • Shoppable feed
  • Website link

“Nothing BIG will happen in your life, until you build off of the many SMALL things” –  John Paul Aguiar

Implementing SEO on your Instagram account

Now that we have clearly defined goals, let’s see how we can incorporate a search engine optimisation strategy into your Instagram account. We will be focusing on your Biography, Username, developing keywords and Handle when implementing a social SEO strategy.

Let’s start within your bio. The biography in your Instagram account is a space where you want to tell your user what to expect when they follow you. Here are a few key points to consider when writing your biography:

1. What is your Instagram account about? Fashion, Marketing, Health or Fitness? Define your niche and stick to it.

2. Establish your authority! Do you have credentials? Perhaps experience? If so, incorporate it into your profile. Give users a reason to increase their trust in your recommendations.

3. Where are you located? This is great to note because other influencers and brands will want to collaborate with other users in the same geographic location. You will also find that when people develop a relationship with your online profile, users will feel more connected if you are in a similar geographic location.

4. How can you be reached? This is really important! I know so many business users that do not have their contact details on Instagram. If you want to make sales or close brand deals you need to provide a way for users to contact you. Either place your email address in the bio or switch to a business profile on IG so that users can contact you with the click of a button.

“Good content always has an objective; it’s created with intent. It therefore carries triggers to action.” – Ann Handley

Refining your Instagram Handle

Does your Instagram handle show who you are and what you are about? For instance, is it Vanessa123487 or is it StylistVanessa? Tell people exactly who you are and what you are about. Give them an immediate reason to follow you.

Social media SEO Tip: Instagram handles are searchable. What does that mean? If a user is looking for a stylist, if you have the keyword stylist in your username your profile will rank in the search engine when the word stylist is entered.

This also applies to your Instagram name. My personal profile name is Aerialist Vanessa. Why? Because I want to come up when people are searching for Aerialists or Aerial arts. Take a moment to think about how can you make your username come up in search rankings. What keywords are your target market using to find information on Instagram?

Notice how health and fitness leader Emily Skye has fit in her username? That is no coincidence! She is using SEO optimisation in her username.

Implementing keywords

Implement keywords into your profile whether it is in your name, profile or user handle. Bonus points if you can incorporate it into all three!

I hope you enjoyed our tips on how to incorporate a search engine optimization strategy into your Instagram account. Which one of the above tips is one that you’re going to start using?


Vanessa Barthelmes is the founder of the digital marketing agency, The Socialite Media. With over a decade of experience in digital marketing, fundraising and event management, Vanessa loves volunteering, performing acrobatics 10 feet in the air, everything to do with dogs and has a mean aerial split. For more, head over to her instagram.

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