Power Couples: Those two words have to be the sexiest two words in the business world when placed together. What’s even sexier is when OTHERS label...
What a massive few weeks. I discovered this life hack called “The 5-Second Rule.” What a rollercoaster of a ride! A simple definition of the 5...
Let’s face it, most of us love over-complicating things and often shun simple information because it’s basic. We really don’t know how to KISS (Keep It...
The corporate world has taught me the truth about process and red tape: “Process creates people who follow it and believe they are superior for doing...
When it comes to business, sometimes people think you have to be sneaky, manipulative, or cunning but in reality it is much easier to get what...
J.K. Rowling is best known for creating a literary empire from her Harry Potter series. From being a poor, single mother writing her original concept on...
Entrepreneurs are not born but they cultivate the skills of entrepreneurship within them. To be an entrepreneur, you have to be passionate, resilient, tolerant to ambiguity, have...