When you look at leaders like Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Boris Yeltsin, and Rudy Giuliani, the common thread connecting them is that they led with a...
When you observe many famous people including Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, John Adams, Andy Warhol, Winston Churchill, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, they kept their...
The familiarity and absence of stress or tension are defining hallmarks of being within our own unique comfort zone. However, our greatest achievements and successes typically...
Popular myth today asserts the belief that CEOs are earning outrageous amounts. But that’s a narrow view. Let’s look at the facts.
The Great Resignation continues into 2022, with over 4 million Americans quitting their jobs for six consecutive months. Now the question is, how can leaders respond...
If you are struggling to prove that you are that expert your leads and prospects are ought to hire, if you are getting hesitation and confusion...
In the pursuit of any goal, you’re going to encounter hard times and adversity. Generally, the bigger and more ambitious the goal, the more obstacles you’ll...
Meditation has been practiced in Eastern culture for thousands of years but now it’s gone global. If the word meditation and other spiritual practices conjures up...
Are you tired of talking about getting moving again and not doing it? Or setting your New Year’s resolutions and goals to start working out and...
You’ve been working hard all month. You’ve been publishing your posts on social media. You’ve been drumming up the leads. You’ve even been putting in extra...
You’ve had a big sales month, maybe even a few, and now it’s time to put your nose to the grindstone and deliver. However, there’s one...
It’s inevitable. At some point every one of us sits down to write content, from a social media post to a full-length book, and it happens…We...
I am always curious what separates the successful vs. everyone else. My thought was if I could learn from how they think, model their behaviors, adopt...
People often ask me what I did to build nine companies that all crossed the million-dollar mark. They sit there, waiting for me to break out...
Every new year brings with it a fresh start and a new set of resolutions. One new year’s resolution you can make that will help set...
You don’t have to look far to find people who seem to be living the high life. In both social and traditional media, the affluent lifestyle...
Imagine you’re the head of a $250 million company. Sounds great, right? Except you’re challenged with your level of success. In fact, your anxiety is so...
As an entrepreneur, the heart of your business lies in your email marketing efforts. Sixty-four percent of small businesses use email marketing to reach their customers....
Let’s look at the facts: the average college student leaves school with $30,000 in debt (according to U.S. News), the unemployment rate increased to 7.2% (up...
Many people pride themselves in trusting their gut when it comes to decision making. You may have heard that successful leaders have excellent gut instincts. Don’t...
There are few things more important than to surround yourself with people who have your back when times are tough or cheer for you in your...
It’s Christmas Day 2021 and the house is quiet. Fuzzy slippers on, regular morning coffee in hand, quiet Christmas music echoes outside in the distance. Softly...
The coming of a new year is the perfect time to take stock of your life, and decide whether it’s going where you want it to...
Think of the last time you were faced with having to make a change. Given the world we live in today, the latest change affecting you...
All parents want their children to be successful in life, and it’s absolutely normal. But, raising successful children is not as simple as it might seem...
Have you ever said yes to a work decision you didn’t necessarily agree with or felt obligated to say yes? Chances are your answer to that...
If you’re in the business of, well, any business, you are constantly seeing this message of, “Finishing strong.” Whether it’s the month, quarter, or the dreaded...
And I have been inspired. Well… sort of. Don’t worry. I’ll explain that cryptic statement at the very end of this post. But first, let’s establish...
In competitive situations we’re always looking for something to give us an advantage over our competition. We sometimes go to great lengths to find any tiny...
If you’ve ever studied or listened to anyone talk about entrepreneurship and business, you have most likely at some point been told to identify “your why”....