Without having the facts, you could easily see success for what it isn’t: easy. Success is largely made up of your habits (go figure). What you...
This is the number one investment all millionaires can agree with…Have you guessed what it is yet? The biggest investment you can make in the New...
I didn’t achieve a lot this year without my best tool: my mind. This complex maze of nerves and pink stuff (I know jack about medicine)...
Are you stuck in a job that doesn’t fulfill you and you can’t seem to find a way out? Chances are that your fear of failure...
Last week, I posted a photo on LinkedIn that showed Keanu Reeves and his generosity. The post went semi-viral, and people really loved it. Well almost...
Steven Paul Jobs was one of the greatest visionaries and pioneers of the 21st century. He wasn’t an engineer, did not completed his college degree, yet...
I’m somewhat of a productivity freak. I like having time. Time allows me to work smarter, and so I protect it like a rare and beautiful...
Success is your birthright. It is a mindset, ingrained within your identity. Let’s go in one step further. Success is a choice. When you believe you...
Productivity is how you find more time in your day to do what you love, and achieve greater results. It’s time to stop being lazy and...
I recently interviewed author and serial entrepreneur James Altucher and asked him a simple question: What is the best way to accelerate success in any endeavor?...
There’s no doubt that writing a book is an excellent way to bolster your credibility and establish yourself as an authority. A book can also help...
What a massive few weeks. I discovered this life hack called “The 5-Second Rule.” What a rollercoaster of a ride! A simple definition of the 5...
Let’s face it, most of us love over-complicating things and often shun simple information because it’s basic. We really don’t know how to KISS (Keep It...
When it comes to business, sometimes people think you have to be sneaky, manipulative, or cunning but in reality it is much easier to get what...
Standing at the top of the mountain and looking down at everyone like they’re stupid isn’t cool. That’s what this influencer nonsense has become. Influencer meaning:...
Before we begin, the only reason I want you to get motived to use social media is so you can add value to people’s lives in...
Okay, this whole bitcoin crypto thing has got out of control. I’m completely sick of it. Yes, there’s a need for blockchain and some sort of...
Being successful is a really big deal, but the truth is you’re already a success. I know, you probably don’t believe it, but Merriam-Webster dictionary defines...
There are no short cuts when it comes to understanding, absorbing and implementing what you read and if you are reading a powerful book that could...
Learning how to learn has been one of the most important skills I’ve acquired in my life. I learned how to learn in the Dojo (Karate...
It’s hard to get work done at work. Office chatter, phone calls, and the familiar smartphone “ping” are hard to ignore in an open office. You’re...
I want to share with you today a super quick hack that works really well. Your mind comes up with brilliant ideas all the time. The...
Let’s say there are two businessmen both equally qualified and well-endowed with resources. While one thrives, the other barely survives the harsh business environment. What is...
Before you even start seeing results in real life, there’s a particular transformation that happens on the inside. Success exists internally, long before you begin reaching...
I’ve always been terrified of public speaking. It turns out most people suffer from the same fear. Then I joined a public speaking group called Toastmasters...
Have you ever wondered why many of the most successful entrepreneurs that you follow on social media and read articles about wake up early? Waking up...
You don’t fake it till you make it. Anything involving you being “fake” will turn people away from you. We’re all sick of fake and people...
Quite often in my profession, I encounter a grown child. It’s typically a person who thinks and behaves like they never matured past junior high. It’s...
I’ve read the books of every self-help, inspiring person I could get my hands on. I’ve done the same in the podcast world too. The topic...
I’ve studied many of the successful writers and bloggers in my field. I put all of their success down to one thing above all else: just...