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Success Advice

The Only Thing You Should Say Is NO.



To catch ups that drain your life and energy.
To meetings for the sake of meetings.
To conversations with negative people on their way to Loserville.

To people that have nothing nice to say (ever).
To people that believe the news channels and their BS.
To people who want to be friends with you based on your status.

My response, and your response, should always be NO.

“No way in hell.”
“No, you are not going to do that again.”
“No, I’m out amigo.”

Executing on your passion and doing what you love is a decision. The word no will set you free and give you the time you need so you can avoid that BS lie called “I’m busy.”

I’m busy means “I can’t say no.”
I’m busy means “I’m afraid to upset people.”
I’m busy means “I want to be perfect.”

Whether you an entrepreneur, consultant, freelancer or employee, the only thing you should say to these ridiculous requests you get every day is N. O.

This is not about being a horrible person; it’s about getting what you want so that those around you can get what they want. If you are tired, pissed off and angry because you can’t say no, everyone else suffers.

The time it takes to work on your passion and execute on your vision requires you to say NO. You must create that time to be creative. It’s your time and it’s your legacy. You are responsible.

Doing less is how you do more. Sounds counter-intuitive, but it’s not. I write so many blog posts because I make time to do so. It’s my priority to serve and I can’t do that by doing dumb stuff that makes other people happy, and me feel unfulfilled.

When I do say yes to things, it’s a treat for my friends and work colleagues who are used to me saying no. It makes the moment ten times more special. Make sacrifices now so that one day you won’t have to. You’ll have all the abundance in the world because you’ve executed on your vision.

Executing is something so many of us dream of but never do. Why? We don’t say no.

STOP! You don’t need to keep telling everyone you have no time.

It doesn’t make you sound smart or like you’re in some special VIP club. Saying you have no time sounds dumb because what you’re really telling us all is “I can’t say no.”

There’s time in the early morning before everyone wakes up.
There’s time after everybody goes to bed.
There’s time during lunch when everyone’s eating things they shouldn’t be and gossiping.
There’s time when everyone’s on holiday and it’s quiet.

Having no time is not something to be proud of or a badge of honor that makes you cool.
Having no time is embarrassing, disorganized, unnecessary and 100% completely in your control.

Stop fooling yourself because I believe you’re smart deep down.

There’s always time when you’re only response to dumb sh*t is no.

If you want to increase your productivity and learn some more valuable life hacks, then join my private mailing list on

Aussie Blogger with 500M+ views — Writer for CNBC & Business Insider. Inspiring the world through Personal Development and Entrepreneurship You can connect with Tim through his website



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