I’ve got this friend and he’s always crying about the competition. He spends a lot of time sooking about them and coming up with plans to...
Isn’t it strange how mundane things can bring back really vivid memories? As the burnt toast hit the trash, I remembered how burn out meant my first...
You’re exhausted. You’ve put countless of hours into an idea that you believed in so much. Literally almost blood, sweat and tears were sacrificed for this vision...
Let’s first start off with the “why”. When you know why you’re doing something, it can create clarity in your tasks, and direct your efforts. So,...
While Email might seem like a fading beauty, this technological dinosaur continues to be the preferred method of communication for the digital age. The rise of...
With over 45,500 listed companies and a plethora of non-listed companies, and thousands of new companies emerging and dying every year, it isn’t hard to see...
Handling stressful clients is not a topic many people, freelancers and companies especially, like to address. This is often because many businesses are used to ‘the...
It’s been just over 2 years. I must admit it definitely feels longer than that. So much has happened within that timeframe, in an environment where...
When someone wants to find out about you and your business, one of the initial impressions will come from the words being used. People will look...
We all loved Disney movies when we were kids. Heck, a lot of us still love them now. Disney knows how to speak to us through...
If you’re reading this, chances are that you’ve considered starting an online business at some point in the past. Perhaps you’ve even started one already. It...
When you are feverishly building your startup, there are 1 million things that must be done. And if just one of those million things is off...
It’s been a grueling six years since I embarked upon a business idea that I had of owning my Counseling practice. I had been an employee...
Do you know that your actions determines whether or not your business will succeed? Any entrepreneur that wants to be successful in their field must efficiently...
People establish businesses for different reasons. It could be because they wanted to monetize their passion, saw an opportunity in the market, or to simply be...
Today’s customers have access to a world of products and services across all fronts, especially the e-commerce businesses. With accessibility comes the expertise to choose the...
When people imagine starting their own business, everything seems perfect. They think about quitting their jobs, making a positive impact on the world, and living the...
Do you ever feel like you’re always starting and stopping in your biz? There are days when you wake up with an insane amount of motivation...
It’s one thing to start a business. It’s quite another to make it successful. Success is a rough road, full of many twists and bends and...
When you’re a team leader, it’s not always easy to get your team motivated. Contrary to popular belief, startup employees can get tired and burned out....
You’ve been waiting for that light bulb moment for so long that you’re worried it’s never going to come. It’s not that your old ideas aren’t...
If you were to ask women who work full-time and want to start a business, why they haven’t done so yet, what do you think their...
When you’re a first-timer, it’s easy to get disillusioned. After all, the startup world is presented as a utopia by the media. In reality, that’s not...
Oftentimes, people see business strategy and spirituality as two separate worlds. The former is very well-developed, logical and systematic, while the latter is a messy, inward,...
Of all the entrepreneurs dominating tech today, Jeff Bezos has emerged as one of the few that are still breathing after the .com bubble burst in...
Who needs rules? That’s typically the M.O. for startups – we’re too cool, too innovative for rules. Rules hold us back.
When looking to build a team for your department, business or startup, your goal is to try and assemble and grow the strongest team you can.
We all share the dream of traveling across the planet. Jetting off to faraway lands in search of worldly wonders. From The Great Wall to Angel...
I’ve had a lot of people reach out these past couple of months asking about how to build an online business, how to create an online...
If there is something that is difficult in business it must be getting money. When you decide to start a business, you are going to do...